Pieter Colpaert
Pieter Colpaert
imec - Ghent University - IDLab; Open Knowledge Belgium
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RML: A generic language for integrated RDF mappings of heterogeneous data.
A Dimou, M Vander Sande, P Colpaert, R Verborgh, E Mannens, ...
Ldow 1184, 2014
Triple pattern fragments: a low-cost knowledge graph interface for the web
R Verborgh, M Vander Sande, O Hartig, J Van Herwegen, L De Vocht, ...
Journal of Web Semantics 37, 184-206, 2016
Querying datasets on the web with high availability
R Verborgh, O Hartig, B De Meester, G Haesendonck, L De Vocht, ...
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2014: 13th International Semantic Web Conference, Riva …, 2014
Web-Scale Querying through Linked Data Fragments.
R Verborgh, M Vander Sande, P Colpaert, S Coppens, E Mannens, ...
LDOW, 2014
Urban socio-technical innovations with and by citizens
B Baccarne, P Mechant, D Schuurman, P Colpaert, L De Marez
Interdisciplinary Studies Journal 3 (4), 143-156, 2014
R&Wbase: git for triples.
M Vander Sande, P Colpaert, R Verborgh, S Coppens, E Mannens, ...
LDOW 996, 2013
The 5 stars of open data portals
P Colpaert, J Sarah, P Mechant, E Mannens, R Van de Walle
7th international conference on methodologies, technologies and tools …, 2013
Facilitating the analysis of COVID-19 literature through a knowledge graph
B Steenwinckel, G Vandewiele, I Rausch, P Heyvaert, R Taelman, ...
International Semantic Web Conference, 344-357, 2020
Intermodal public transit routing using Linked Connections
P Colpaert, A Llaves, R Verborgh, O Corcho, E Mannens, R Van de Walle
Extending R2RML to a source-independent mapping language for RDF
A Dimou, M Vander Sande, P Colpaert, E Mannens, R Van de Walle
ISWC, 2013
What’s in a Pod? A knowledge graph interpretation for the Solid ecosystem
R Dedecker, W Slabbinck, J Wright, P Hochstenbach, P Colpaert, ...
6th Workshop on Storing, Querying and Benchmarking Knowledge Graphs (QuWeDa …, 2022
Predicting train occupancies based on query logs and external data sources
G Vandewiele, P Colpaert, O Janssens, J Van Herwegen, R Verborgh, ...
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion …, 2017
Leveraging semantic technologies for digital interoperability in the European railway domain
JA Rojas, M Aguado, P Vasilopoulou, I Velitchkov, D Van Assche, ...
International Semantic Web Conference, 648-664, 2021
Publishing base registries as linked data event streams
D Van Lancker, P Colpaert, H Delva, B Van de Vyvere, JR Meléndez, ...
International Conference on Web Engineering, 28-36, 2021
What public transit API logs tell us about travel flows
P Colpaert, A Chua, R Verborgh, E Mannens, R Van de Walle, ...
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference Companion on World Wide Web …, 2016
Extraction and semantic annotation of workshop proceedings in HTML using RML
A Dimou, M Vander Sande, P Colpaert, L De Vocht, R Verborgh, ...
Semantic Web Evaluation Challenge: SemWebEval 2014 at ESWC 2014, Anissaras …, 2014
Quantifying the interoperability of open government datasets
P Colpaert, M Van Compernolle, L De Vocht, A Dimou, M Vander Sande, ...
Computer 47 (10), 50-56, 2014
Low-Cost Queryable Linked Data through Triple Pattern Fragments.
R Verborgh, O Hartig, B De Meester, G Haesendonck, L De Vocht, ...
ISWC (Posters & Demos), 13-16, 2014
Open traffic lights: a strategy for publishing and preserving traffic lights data
B Van de Vyvere, P Colpaert, E Mannens, R Verborgh
Companion Proceedings of the 2019 World Wide Web Conference, 966-971, 2019
Republishing OpenStreetMap’s roads as linked routable tiles
P Colpaert, B Abelshausen, JAR Meléndez, H Delva, R Verborgh
European semantic web conference, 13-17, 2019
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