Franklin Behlau
Franklin Behlau
Researcher at Scientific Department, Fundecitrus
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Thirteen decades of antimicrobial copper compounds applied in agriculture. A review
JR Lamichhane, E Osdaghi, F Behlau, J Köhl, JB Jones, JN Aubertot
Agronomy for Sustainable Development 38 (28), 2018
Comparative genomics reveals diversity among xanthomonads infecting tomato and pepper
N Potnis, K Krasileva, V Chow, NF Almeida, PB Patil, RP Ryan, ...
BMC genomics 12 (1), 1-23, 2011
Molecular characterization of copper resistance genes from Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri and Xanthomonas alfalfae subsp. citrumelonis
F Behlau, BI Canteros, GV Minsavage, JB Jones, JH Graham
Applied and environmental microbiology 77 (12), 4089-4096, 2011
Recent Advances in Understanding Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri Pathogenesis and Citrus Canker Disease Management
CM Ference, AM Gochez, F Behlau, N Wang, JH Graham, JB Jones
Molecular Plant Pathology 19 (6), 1302-1318, 2018
Effect of frequency of copper applications on control of citrus canker and the yield of young bearing sweet orange trees
F Behlau, J Belasque Jr, JH Graham, RP Leite Jr
Crop Protection 29 (3), 300-305, 2010
Evidence for acquisition of copper resistance genes from different sources in citrus-associated xanthomonads
F Behlau, JC Hong, JB Jones, JH Graham
Phytopathology 103 (5), 409-418, 2013
Effect of application frequency and reduced rates of acibenzolar-S-methyl on the field efficacy of induced resistance against bacterial spot on tomato
CH Huang, GE Vallad, S Zhang, A Wen, B Balogh, JFL Figueiredo, ...
Plant Disease 96 (2), 221-227, 2012
Copper sprays and windbreaks for control of citrus canker on young orange trees in southern Brazil
F Behlau, J Belasque Jr, A Bergamin Filho, JH Graham, RP Leite Jr, ...
Crop Protection 27 (3-5), 807-813, 2008
Copper resistance genes from different xanthomonads and citrus epiphytic bacteria confer resistance to Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri
F Behlau, BI Canteros, JB Jones, JH Graham
European journal of plant pathology 133 (4), 949-963, 2012
Spray volume and fungicide rates for citrus black spot control based on tree canopy volume
GJ Silva Junior, MS Scapin, FP Silva, ARP Silva, F Behlau, HH Ramos
Crop Protection 85, 38-45, 2016
Tree-row-volume-based sprays of copper bactericide for control of citrus canker
MS Scapin, F Behlau, LHM Scandelai, RS Fernandes, GJ Silva Junior, ...
Crop Protection 77, 119-126, 2015
Soluble and insoluble copper formulations and metallic copper rate for control of citrus canker on sweet orange trees
F Behlau, LHM Scandelai, GJ Silva Junior, FE Lanza
Crop Protection 94, 185-191, 2017
Diversity and copper resistance of Xanthomonas affecting citrus
F Behlau, AM Gochez, JB Jones
Tropical Plant Pathology 45, 200-212, 2020
Monitoring for resistant populations of Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri and epiphytic bacteria on citrus trees treated with copper or streptomycin using a new semi-selective medium
F Behlau, JB Jones, ME Myers, JH Graham
European Journal of Plant Pathology 132 (2), 259-270, 2012
An overview of citrus canker in Brazil
F Behlau
Tropical Plant Pathology 46, 1-12, 2021
Critical fungicide spray period for citrus black spot control in São Paulo state, Brazil
FE Lanza, TG Metzker, T Vinhas, F Behlau, GJ Silva Junior
Plant Disease 102 (2), 334-340, 2018
A comprehensive analysis of the Asiatic citrus canker eradication programme in São Paulo state, Brazil, from 1999 to 2009
F Behlau, AE Fonseca, J Belasque Jr
Plant Pathology 65 (8), 1390-1399, 2016
Description of copper tolerant Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri and genotypic comparison with sensitive and resistant strains
TGS Marin, AL Galvanin, FE Lanza, F Behlau
Plant Pathology 68 (6), 1088-1098, 2019
Spray volume and rate based on the tree-row-volume for a sustainable use of copper in the control of citrus canker
F Behlau, FE Lanza, MS Scapin, LHM Scandelai, GJ Silva Junior
Plant Disease 105, 183-192, 2021
Characterization of a unique copper resistance gene cluster in Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris isolated in Trinidad, West Indies
F Behlau, AM Gochez, AJ Lugo, W Elibox, G Minsavage, N Potnis, F White, ...
Eurorean Journal of Plant Pathology 147 (3), 671-681, 2017
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Articles 1–20