Clay Shields
Clay Shields
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A secure routing protocol for ad hoc networks
K Sanzgiri, B Dahill, BN Levine, C Shields, EM Belding-Royer
10th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols, 2002. Proceedings …, 2002
Hidden voice commands
N Carlini, P Mishra, T Vaidya, Y Zhang, M Sherr, C Shields, D Wagner, ...
25th USENIX security symposium (USENIX security 16), 513-530, 2016
IP covert timing channels: design and detection
S Cabuk, CE Brodley, C Shields
Proceedings of the 11th ACM conference on Computer and communications …, 2004
Authenticated routing for ad hoc networks
K Sanzgiri, D LaFlamme, B Dahill, BN Levine, C Shields, ...
IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications 23 (3), 598-610, 2005
A survey of solutions to the sybil attack
BN Levine, C Shields, NB Margolin
University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA 7, 224, 2006
A protocol for anonymous communication over the internet
C Shields, BN Levine
Proceedings of the 7th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications …, 2000
The predecessor attack: An analysis of a threat to anonymous communications systems
MK Wright, M Adler, BN Levine, C Shields
ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC) 7 (4), 489-522, 2004
An analysis of the degradation of anonymous protocols.
MK Wright, M Adler, BN Levine, C Shields
NDSS 2, 39-50, 2002
Detecting the sybil attack in mobile ad hoc networks
C Piro, C Shields, BN Levine
2006 Securecomm and Workshops, 1-11, 2006
Cocaine noodles: exploiting the gap between human and machine speech recognition
T Vaidya, Y Zhang, M Sherr, C Shields
9th USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies (WOOT 15), 2015
Defending anonymous communications against passive logging attacks
M Wright, M Adler, BN Levine, C Shields
2003 Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2003., 28-41, 2003
Responder anonymity and anonymous peer-to-peer file sharing
V Scarlata, BN Levine, C Shields
Proceedings Ninth International Conference on Network Protocols. ICNP 2001 …, 2001
IP covert channel detection
S Cabuk, CE Brodley, C Shields
ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC) 12 (4), 1-29, 2009
Hordes: a multicast based protocol for anonymity
BN Levine, C Shields
Journal of Computer Security 10 (3), 213-240, 2002
The ordered core based tree protocol
C Shields, JJ Garcia-Luna-Aceves
Proceedings of INFOCOM'97 2, 884-891, 1997
KHIP—a scalable protocol for secure multicast routing
C Shields, JJ Garcia-Luna-Aceves
Proceedings of the Conference on Applications, technologies, architectures …, 1999
Tracing the source of network attack: A technical, legal and societal problem
SC Lee, C Shields
Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Workshop on Information Assurance and Security …, 2001
Forensic investigation of peer-to-peer file sharing networks
M Liberatore, R Erdely, T Kerle, BN Levine, C Shields
digital investigation 7, S95-S103, 2010
A system for the proactive, continuous, and efficient collection of digital forensic evidence
C Shields, O Frieder, M Maloof
Digital investigation 8, S3-S13, 2011
Passive-logging attacks against anonymous communications systems
MK Wright, M Adler, BN Levine, C Shields
ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC) 11 (2), 1-34, 2008
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Articles 1–20