Lejeune Benjamin
Lejeune Benjamin
PhD, University of Liège, Belgium
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Genomic evidence for ameiotic evolution in the bdelloid rotifer Adineta vaga
JF Flot, B Hespeels, X Li, B Noel, I Arkhipova, EGJ Danchin, A Hejnol, ...
Nature 500 (7463), 453-457, 2013
Traditionally managed landscapes do not prevent amphibian decline and the extinction of paedomorphosis
M Denoël, GF Ficetola, N Sillero, G Džukić, ML Kalezić, T Vukov, ...
Ecological Monographs 89 (2), e01347, 2019
Facultative paedomorphosis as a mechanism promoting intraspecific niche differentiation
B Lejeune, N Sturaro, G Lepoint, M Denoël
Oikos 127 (3), 427-439, 2018
Gut content metabarcoding reveals potential importance of fisheries discards consumption in marine fauna
B Lejeune, MA Mouchet, S Mehault, D Kopp
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 79 (7), 1064-1073, 2022
Progenesis as an intrinsic factor of ecological opportunity in a polyphenic amphibian
B Lejeune, L Bissey, EA Didaskalou, N Sturaro, G Lepoint, M Denoël
Functional Ecology 35 (2), 546-560, 2021
Trophic interactions between native newts and introduced mosquitofish suggest invaded ponds may act as demographic sinks
B Lejeune, V Clément, T Nothomb, G Lepoint, M Denoël
Biological Invasions 25 (9), 2993-3007, 2023
Assessing the diet and trophic level of marine fauna in a fishing ground subject to discarding activity using stable isotopes
B Lejeune, D Kopp, S Mehault, MA Mouchet
Plos one 17 (6), e0268758, 2022
Food web collapse and regime shift following goldfish introduction in permanent ponds
B Lejeune, G Lepoint, M Denoël
Global Change Biology 30 (7), e17435, 2024
Assessing discard consumption dynamic in shallow coastal environment using underwater video
B Lejeune, A Marcout, D Kopp, F Morandeau, S Mehault, MA Mouchet
Fisheries Research 260, 106587, 2023
Stable Isotopes Analysis of Black Lion Tamarins Reveals Increasing Arthropod Consumption When Fruit Productivity Decreases in Forest Fragments
A Raskin, O Kaisin, LN Michel, B Lejeune, G Lepoint, RG Amaral, F Bufalo, ...
American Journal of Primatology 87 (1), e23698, 2025
Gut content metabarcoding of six crustaceans provides detailed diet description and insights into their roles as predators and scavengers
P Boët, D Kopp, S Méhault, M Morfin, A Bonin, B Lejeune
Journal of Sea Research, 102509, 2024
Relative influence of amphibian invader densities and habitat heterogeneity on the trophic structure of freshwater communities
F Pille, B Lejeune, G Lepoint, L Salomon, L Pinto, M Denoël
Zoology 2023 (Benelux Congress of Zoology), 2023
Unravelling complexities in mangrove meio-and macrofauna benthic food webs using carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen stable isotopes
B Lejeune, AM Vafeiadou, D Soto X, Y Stroobandt, T Moens, S Bouillon
Benelux Association for Stable Isotope Scientists (BASIS) Symposium, 2023
Testing a new hypothesis regarding the advantage of an important developmental process in evolution: Progenesis
B Lejeune, L Bissey, E Didaskalou, N Sturaro, G Lepoint, M Denoël
Benelux Congress of Zoology 2022, 2022
Stable isotopes analysis determines proportions of arthropodivory and frugivory in the diet of black lion tamarins
A Raskin, O Kaisin, B Lejeune, L Michel, F Brotcorne, L Culot
Rencontres Ecology and Behaviour, 2022
Linking inconsistencies in trophic level of marine fauna to fisheries discard consumption
B Lejeune, MA Mouchet, S Mehault, D Kopp
Ocean Science Meeting, 2022
Devenir des rejets de pêche en mer: Quel impact sur le réseau trophique marin?
B Lejeune
Seminar upon invitation, 2021
Coupling gut content DNA metabarcoding and stable isotope analysis to reveal potential importance of fisheries discards consumption in marine fauna
B Lejeune, MA Mouchet, S Mehault, D Kopp
11.5 th International Conference on the Applications of Stable Isotope …, 2021
Conservation ecology of facultative paedomorphosis in newts in a world of introduced alien species
M Denoël, GF Ficetola, B Lejeune, L Winandy
WCH9-9th World Congress of Herpetology. Symposium: Biology & Conservation of …, 2020
Progenesis as an intrinsic factor of ecological opportunity in newts
B Lejeune, L Bissey, EA Didaskalou, N Sturaro, G Lepoint, M Denoël
SEH2019-20th European Congress of Herpetology, 2019
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