George Kesidis
George Kesidis
Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Pennsylvania State University; Professor of Electrical Engineering, Pennsylvania
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Effective bandwidths for multiclass Markov fluids and other ATM sources
G Kesidis, J Walrand, CS Chang
IEEE/ACM Transactions On Networking 1 (4), 424-428, 1993
Denial-of-service attack-detection techniques
G Carl, G Kesidis, RR Brooks, S Rai
IEEE Internet computing 10 (1), 82-89, 2006
Incentive-based energy consumption scheduling algorithms for the smart grid
S Caron, G Kesidis
2010 First IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications, 391-396, 2010
Robust anomaly detection and regularized domain adaptation of classifiers with application to internet packet-flows
DJ Miller, G Kesidis, J Raghuram
US Patent 9,038,172, 2015
Adversarial learning targeting deep neural network classification: A comprehensive review of defenses against attacks
DJ Miller, Z Xiang, G Kesidis
Proceedings of the IEEE 108 (3), 402-433, 2020
Resource management in wide-area ATM networks using effective bandwidths
G de Veciana, G Kesidis, J Walrand
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 13 (6), 1081-1090, 1995
Real-time packet traceback and associated packet marking strategies
I Hamadeh, G Kesidis
US Patent 7,752,324, 2010
Equilibria of a noncooperative game for heterogeneous users of an ALOHA network
Y Jin, G Kesidis
IEEE Communications Letters 6 (7), 282-284, 2002
Admission control and routing in ATM networks using inferences from measured buffer occupancy
C Courcoubetis, G Kesidis, A Ridder, J Walrand, R Weber
IEEE Transactions on Communications 43 (2/3/4), 1778-1784, 1995
Feasibility of fluid event-driven simulation for ATM networks
G Kesidis, A Singh, D Cheung, WW Kwok
Proceedings of GLOBECOM'96. 1996 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference 3 …, 1996
Purposeful mobility for relaying and surveillance in mobile ad hoc sensor networks
R Rao, G Kesidis
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 3 (3), 225-231, 2004
Dynamic cluster structure for object detection and tracking in wireless ad-hoc sensor networks
H Zha, JJ Metzner, G Kesidis
2004 IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE Cat. No …, 2004
VNF placement optimization at the edge and cloud
A Leivadeas, G Kesidis, M Ibnkahla, I Lambadaris
Future Internet 11 (3), 69, 2019
Self-organizing sensor node network
P Biswas, Y Zou, S Phoha, K Chakrabarty, P Ramanathan, G Kesidis, ...
US Patent App. 11/338,569, 2006
Cyber defense technology networking and evaluation
R Bajcsy, T Benzel, M Bishop, B Braden, C Brodley, S Fahmy, S Floyd, ...
Communications of the ACM 47 (3), 58-61, 2004
ATM input-buffered switches with the guaranteed-rate property
A Hung, G Kesidis, N McKeown
Proceedings Third IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications. ISCC'98 …, 1998
A backdoor attack against 3d point cloud classifiers
Z Xiang, DJ Miller, S Chen, X Li, G Kesidis
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision …, 2021
Spock: Exploiting serverless functions for slo and cost aware resource procurement in public cloud
JR Gunasekaran, P Thinakaran, MT Kandemir, B Urgaonkar, G Kesidis, ...
2019 IEEE 12th international conference on cloud computing (CLOUD), 199-208, 2019
Preliminary results using scale-down to explore worm dynamics
N Weaver, I Hamadeh, G Kesidis, V Paxson
Proceedings of the 2004 ACM workshop on Rapid malcode, 65-72, 2004
Surveillance coverage of sensor networks under a random mobility strategy
G Kesidis, T Konstantopoulos, S Phoha
SENSORS, 2003 IEEE 2, 961-965, 2003
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Articles 1–20