Ignace Bogaert
Ignace Bogaert
Research fellow at Ghent University
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Cited by
On a well-conditioned electric field integral operator for multiply connected geometries
FP Andriulli, K Cools, I Bogaert, E Michielssen
IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation 61 (4), 2077-2087, 2012
Iteration-free computation of Gauss--Legendre quadrature nodes and weights
I Bogaert
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 36 (3), A1008-A1026, 2014
A nondirective plane wave MLFMA stable at low frequencies
I Bogaert, J Peeters, F Olyslager
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 56 (12), 3752-3767, 2008
Full-wave simulations of electromagnetic scattering problems with billions of unknowns
B Michiels, J Fostier, I Bogaert, D De Zutter
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 63 (2), 796-799, 2014
Computation of Legendre Polynomials and Gauss--Legendre Nodes and Weights for Parallel Computing
I Bogaert, B Michiels, J Fostier
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 34 (3), C83-C101, 2012
A low frequency stable plane wave addition theorem
I Bogaert, F Olyslager
Journal of Computational Physics 228 (4), 1000-1016, 2009
An efficient hybrid MLFMA–FFT solver for the volume integral equation in case of sparse 3D inhomogeneous dielectric scatterers
J De Zaeytijd, I Bogaert, A Franchois
Journal of Computational Physics 227 (14), 7052-7068, 2008
Low-frequency scaling of the standard and mixed magnetic field and Müller integral equations
I Bogaert, K Cools, FP Andriulli, H Bağcı
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 62 (2), 822-831, 2013
Weak scalability analysis of the distributed-memory parallel MLFMA
B Michiels, J Fostier, I Bogaert, D De Zutter
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 61 (11), 5567-5574, 2013
Embedding Calderón multiplicative preconditioners in multilevel fast multipole algorithms
J Peeters, K Cools, I Bogaert, F Olyslager, D De Zutter
IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation 58 (4), 1236-1250, 2010
Phase-mode processing for spherical antenna arrays with a finite number of antenna elements and including mutual coupling
R Goossens, I Bogaert, H Rogier
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 57 (12), 3783-3790, 2009
Low frequency scaling of the mixed MFIE for scatterers with a non-simply connected surface
I Bogaert, K Cools, FP Andriulli, D De Zutter
2011 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications …, 2011
Calculation of MoM interaction integrals in highly conductive media
J Peeters, I Bogaert, D De Zutter
IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation 60 (2), 930-940, 2011
A normalized plane‐wave method for 2D Helmholtz problems
I Bogaert, D Pissoort, F Olyslager
Microwave and optical technology letters 48 (2), 237-243, 2006
Low frequency stability of the mixed discretization of the MFIE
I Bogaert, K Cools, FP Andriulli, J Peeters, D De Zutter
Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation …, 2011
Simulation and experimental verification of w-band finite frequency selective surfaces on infinite background with 3D full wave solver NSPWMLFMA
S Islam, J Stiens, G Poesen, R Vounckx, J Peeters, I Bogaert, D De Zutter, ...
Progress In Electromagnetics Research 101, 189-202, 2010
A fast 2-D parallel multilevel fast multipole algorithm solver for oblique plane wave incidence
J Fostier, B Michiels, I Bogaert, D De Zutter
Radio Science 46 (06), 1-8, 2011
Accurate and efficient algorithms for boundary element methods in electromagnetic scattering: A tribute to the work of F. Olyslager
K Cools, I Bogaert, J Fostier, J Peeters, DV Ginste, H Rogier, D De Zutter
Radio Science 46 (05), 1-10, 2011
Mixed discretization of the time-domain MFIE at low frequencies
HA Ülkü, I Bogaert, K Cools, FP Andriulli, H Bağcı
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 16, 1565-1568, 2017
Maximally orthogonal high-order basis functions have a well-conditioned Gram matrix
I Bogaert, FP Andriulli
IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation 62 (8), 4096-4104, 2014
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Articles 1–20