Pablo Ortega-Baes
Pablo Ortega-Baes
Laboratorio de Investigaciones Botánicas, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Salta
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Demographic trends in the Cactaceae
H Godinez-Alvarez, T Valverde, P Ortega-Baes
The Botanical Review 69 (2), 173-201, 2003
High proportion of cactus species threatened with extinction
B Goettsch, C Hilton-Taylor, G Cruz-Piñón, JP Duffy, A Frances, ...
Nature plants 1 (10), 1-7, 2015
Global diversity and conservation priorities in the Cactaceae
P Ortega-Baes, H Godínez-Alvarez
Biodiversity & Conservation 15, 817-827, 2006
Seed germination of Trichocereus terscheckii (Cactaceae): Light, temperature and gibberellic acid effects
P Ortega-Baes, M Rojas-Aréchiga
Journal of arid environments 69 (1), 169-176, 2007
Diversity and conservation in the cactus family
P Ortega-Baes, S Sühring, J Sajama, E Sotola, M Alonso-Pedano, ...
Desert plants: Biology and biotechnology, 157-173, 2010
Germination in Prosopis ferox seeds: effects of mechanical, chemical and biological scarificators
PO Baes, ML de Viana, S Sühring
Journal of arid environments 50 (1), 185-189, 2002
Seeds photoblastism and its relationship with some plant traits in 136 cacti taxa
J Flores, E Jurado, L Chapa-Vargas, A Ceroni-Stuva, P Dávila-Aranda, ...
Environmental and Experimental Botany 71 (1), 79-88, 2011
La sexta extinción: la pérdida de especies y poblaciones en el Neotrópico
G Ceballos, P Ortega-Baes
Conservación biológica: perspectivas de Latinoamérica, 95-108, 2011
Reproductive biology of Echinopsis terscheckii (Cactaceae): the role of nocturnal and diurnal pollinators
P Ortega‐Baes, M Saravia, S Sühring, H Godínez‐Alvarez, M Zamar
Plant Biology 13, 33-40, 2011
Thermal buffering capacity of the germination phenotype across the environmental envelope of the Cactaceae
CE Seal, MI Daws, J Flores, P Ortega‐Baes, G Galíndez, P León‐Lobos, ...
Global Change Biology 23 (12), 5309-5317, 2017
Mexican cactus diversity: environmental correlates and conservation priorities
HG Alvarez, PO Baes
Boletín de la Sociedad Botánica de México, 81-87, 2007
Pollen: ovule ratio and its relationship with other floral traits in Papilionoideae (Leguminosae): an evaluation with Argentine species
AV Etcheverry, MM Alemán, T Figueroa‐Fleming, D López‐Spahr, ...
Plant Biology 14 (1), 171-178, 2012
Are cactus growth forms related to germination responses to light? A test using Echinopsis species
P Ortega-Baes, M Aparicio-González, G Galíndez, P del Fueyo, S Sühring, ...
Acta Oecologica 36 (3), 339-342, 2010
Biología floral y polinizadores de Trichocereus pasacana (Cactaceae) en el Parque Nacional Los Cardones, Argentina
ML De Viana, P Ortega Baes, M Saravia, EI Badano, B Schlumpberger
Revista de Biología Tropical 49 (1), 279-285, 2001
Conservation priorities in the Southern Central Andes: mismatch between endemism and diversity hotspots in the regional flora
AC Godoy-Bürki, P Ortega-Baes, JM Sajama, L Aagesen
Biodiversity and conservation 23, 81-107, 2014
The explosive pollination mechanism in Papilionoideae (Leguminosae): an analysis with three Desmodium species
M Alemán, T Figueroa-Fleming, Á Etcheverry, S Sühring, P Ortega-Baes
Plant systematics and evolution 300, 177-186, 2014
Identification of endemic vascular plant species hotspots and the effectiveness of the protected areas for their conservation in Sierra Madre Oriental, Mexico
MM Salinas-Rodríguez, MJ Sajama, JS Gutierrez-Ortega, P Ortega-Baes, ...
Journal for Nature Conservation 46, 6-27, 2018
The fate of Prosopis ferox seeds from unremoved pods at National Park Los Cardones
PO Baes, M de Viana, M Saravia
Journal of arid environments 48 (2), 185-190, 2001
Will climate change cause spatial mismatch between plants and their pollinators? A test using Andean cactus species
P Gorostiague, J Sajama, P Ortega-Baes
Biological conservation 226, 247-255, 2018
Alternating temperature combined with darkness resets base temperature for germination (Tb) in photoblastic seeds of Lippia and Aloysia (Verbenaceae)
G Galindez, CE Seal, MI Daws, L Lindow, P Ortega‐Baes, HW Pritchard
Plant Biology 19 (1), 41-45, 2017
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Articles 1–20