Paolo Fraccaro, MEng, PhD
Paolo Fraccaro, MEng, PhD
Staff Research Scientist, IBM Research Europe, UK
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Cited by
Foundation Models for Generalist Geospatial Artificial Intelligence
J Jakubik, S Roy, CE Phillips, P Fraccaro, D Godwin, B Zadrozny, ..., 2023
Adoption of clinical decision support in multimorbidity: a systematic review
P Fraccaro, MA Casteleiro, J Ainsworth, I Buchan
JMIR medical informatics 3 (1), e3503, 2015
Predicting mortality from change-over-time in the Charlson Comorbidity Index: A retrospective cohort study in a data-intensive UK health system
P Fraccaro, E Kontopantelis, M Sperrin, N Peek, C Mallen, P Urban, ...
Medicine 95 (43), e4973, 2016
Patient portal adoption rates: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis
P Fraccaro, M Vigo, P Balatsoukas, IE Buchan, N Peek, SN Van Der Veer
MEDINFO 2017: Precision Healthcare through Informatics, 79-83, 2017
Decision time for clinical decision support systems
D O'Sullivan, P Fraccaro, E Carson, P Weller
Clinical medicine 14 (4), 338-341, 2014
Combining macula clinical signs and patient characteristics for age-related macular degeneration diagnosis: a machine learning approach
P Fraccaro, M Nicolo, M Bonetto, M Giacomini, P Weller, CE Traverso, ...
BMC ophthalmology 15, 1-9, 2015
Digital biomarkers from geolocation data in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia: a systematic review
P Fraccaro, A Beukenhorst, M Sperrin, S Harper, J Palmier-Claus, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 26 (11), 1412-1420, 2019
Real-world gyroscope-based gait event detection and gait feature extraction
P Fraccaro, L Coyle, J Doyle, D O'Sullivan
Behind the screens: Clinical decision support methodologies–A review
P Fraccaro, P Plastiras, C Dentone, A Di Biagio, P Weller
Health Policy and Technology 4 (1), 29-38, 2015
An external validation of models to predict the onset of chronic kidney disease using population-based electronic health records from Salford, UK
P Fraccaro, S Van Der Veer, B Brown, M Prosperi, D O’Donoghue, ...
BMC medicine 14, 1-15, 2016
Out-of-home activity recognition from GPS data in schizophrenic patients
S Difrancesco, P Fraccaro, SN Van Der Veer, B Alshoumr, J Ainsworth, ...
2016 IEEE 29th international symposium on computer-based medical systems …, 2016
Presentation of laboratory test results in patient portals: influence of interface design on risk interpretation and visual search behaviour
P Fraccaro, M Vigo, P Balatsoukas, SN Van Der Veer, L Hassan, ...
BMC medical informatics and decision making 18, 1-12, 2018
Acute kidney injury in the UK: a replication cohort study of the variation across three regional populations
S Sawhney, HA Robinson, SN Van der Veer, HO Hounkpatin, TM Scale, ...
BMJ open 8 (6), e019435, 2018
The ligurian human immunodeficiency virus clinical network: a web tool to manage patients with human immunodeficiency virus in primary care and multicenter clinical trials
P Fraccaro, V Pupella, R Gazzarata, C Dentone, G Cenderello, P De Leo, ...
Medicine 2.0 2 (2), 2013
Multicentre clinical trials’ data management: a hybrid solution to exploit the strengths of electronic data capture and electronic health records systems
P Fraccaro, C Dentone, D Fenoglio, M Giacomini
Informatics for Health and Social Care 38 (4), 313-329, 2013
The influence of patient portals on users’ decision making is insufficiently investigated: A systematic methodological review
P Fraccaro, M Vigo, P Balatsoukas, IE Buchan, N Peek, SN van der Veer
International journal of medical informatics 111, 100-111, 2018
EHR-independent predictive decision support architecture based on OMOP
P Unberath, HU Prokosch, J Gründner, M Erpenbeck, C Maier, ...
Applied clinical informatics 11 (03), 399-404, 2020
I-Maculaweb: a tool to support data reuse in ophthalmology
M Bonetto, M Nicolò, R Gazzarata, P Fraccaro, R Rosa, D Musetti, ...
IEEE journal of translational engineering in health and medicine 4, 1-10, 2015
AI for climate impacts: applications in flood risk
A Jones, J Kuehnert, P Fraccaro, O Meuriot, T Ishikawa, B Edwards, ...
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 6 (1), 63, 2023
Informatics for Health 2017: Advancing both science and practice
PJ Scott, R Cornet, C McCowan, N Peek, P Fraccaro, N Geifman, ...
Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics, 2017
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Articles 1–20