Stacy DeRuiter
Stacy DeRuiter
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Calvin University
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RNA interference by expression of short-interfering RNAs and hairpin RNAs in mammalian cells
JY Yu, SL DeRuiter, DL Turner
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (9), 6047-6052, 2002
RNA interference by expression of short-interfering RNAs and hairpin RNAs in mammalian cells
JY Yu, SL DeRuiter, DL Turner
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (9), 6047-6052, 2002
Acoustic sequences in non‐human animals: a tutorial review and prospectus
A Kershenbaum, DT Blumstein, MA Roch, Ç Akçay, G Backus, MA Bee, ...
Biological Reviews 91 (1), 13-52, 2016
First direct measurements of behavioural responses by Cuvier's beaked whales to mid-frequency active sonar
SL DeRuiter, BL Southall, J Calambokidis, WMX Zimmer, D Sadykova, ...
Biology letters 9 (4), 20130223, 2013
Blue whales respond to simulated mid-frequency military sonar
JA Goldbogen, BL Southall, SL DeRuiter, J Calambokidis, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1765), 20130657, 2013
Simultaneous inhibition of GSK3α and GSK3β using hairpin siRNA expression vectors
JY Yu, J Taylor, SL DeRuiter, AB Vojtek, DL Turner
Molecular Therapy 7 (2), 228-236, 2003
Acoustic behaviour of echolocating porpoises during prey capture
SL DeRuiter, A Bahr, MA Blanchet, SF Hansen, JH Kristensen, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 212 (19), 3100-3107, 2009
KT Clausen, M Wahlberg, K Beedholm, S Deruiter, PT Madsen
Bioacoustics 20 (1), 1-28, 2011
Why whales are big but not bigger: Physiological drivers and ecological limits in the age of ocean giants
JA Goldbogen, DE Cade, DM Wisniewska, J Potvin, PS Segre, ...
Science 366 (6471), 1367-1372, 2019
Akt regulates basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor-coactivator complex formation and activity during neuronal differentiation
AB Vojtek, J Taylor, SL DeRuiter, JY Yu, C Figueroa, RPS Kwok, ...
Molecular and Cellular Biology 23 (13), 4417-4427, 2003
A multivariate mixed hidden Markov model for blue whale behaviour and responses to sound exposure
SL DeRuiter, R Langrock, T Skirbutas, JA Goldbogen, J Calambokidis, ...
Prey density and distribution drive the three‐dimensional foraging strategies of the largest filter feeder
JA Goldbogen, EL Hazen, AS Friedlaender, J Calambokidis, SL DeRuiter, ...
Functional Ecology 29 (7), 951-961, 2015
Underwater acrobatics by the world's largest predator: 360 rolling manoeuvres by lunge-feeding blue whales
JA Goldbogen, J Calambokidis, AS Friedlaender, J Francis, SL DeRuiter, ...
Biology letters 9 (1), 20120986, 2013
Marine mammal behavioral response studies in southern California: advances in technology and experimental methods
BL Southall, D Moretti, B Abraham, J Calambokidis, SL DeRuiter, ...
Marine Technology Society Journal 46 (4), 48-59, 2012
Sound production and associated behavior of tagged fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) in the Southern California Bight
AK Stimpert, SL DeRuiter, EA Falcone, J Joseph, AB Douglas, DJ Moretti, ...
Animal Biotelemetry 3, 1-12, 2015
First indications that northern bottlenose whales are sensitive to behavioural disturbance from anthropogenic noise
PJO Miller, PH Kvadsheim, FPA Lam, PL Tyack, C Curé, SL DeRuiter, ...
Royal Society open science 2 (6), 140484, 2015
Acoustic and foraging behavior of a Baird's beaked whale, Berardius bairdii, exposed to simulated sonar
AK Stimpert, SL DeRuiter, BL Southall, DJ Moretti, EA Falcone, ...
Scientific Reports 4 (1), 7031, 2014
Loggerhead turtles dive in response to airgun sound exposure
SL DeRuiter, KL Doukara
Endangered Species Research 16 (1), 55-63, 2012
Diving behaviour of Cuvier's beaked whales exposed to two types of military sonar
EA Falcone, GS Schorr, SL Watwood, SL DeRuiter, AN Zerbini, ...
Royal Society open science 4 (8), 170629, 2017
Loggerhead turtles dive in response to airgun sound exposure
SL DeRuiter, KL Doukara
Endangered Species Research 16 (1), 55-63, 2012
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