Georgios C Litos
Georgios C Litos
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A survey of semantic image and video annotation tools
S Dasiopoulou, E Giannakidou, G Litos, P Malasioti, Y Kompatsiaris
Knowledge-Driven Multimedia Information Extraction and Ontology Evolution …, 2011
Synchronous image acquisition based on network synchronization
G Litos, X Zabulis, G Triantafyllidis
2006 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop (CVPRW …, 2006
Investigating the effects of multiple factors towards more accurate 3-D object retrieval
P Daras, A Axenopoulos, G Litos
IEEE Transactions on multimedia 14 (2), 374-388, 2011
3D model retrieval using accurate pose estimation and view-based similarity
A Axenopoulos, G Litos, P Daras
Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, 1-8, 2011
SHREC'11 Track: Generic Shape Retrieval.
H Dutagaci, A Godil, P Daras, A Axenopoulos, GC Litos, S Manolopoulou, ...
3DOR@ Eurographics, 65-69, 2011
TooManyEyes: Super-recogniser directed identification of target individuals on CCTV
ML Durova, A Dimou, G Litos, P Daras, JP Davis
IET Digital Library, 2017
Knowledge-driven multimedia information extraction and ontology evolution. Chap A survey of semantic image and video annotation tools
S Dasiopoulou, E Giannakidou, G Litos, P Malasioti, Y Kompatsiaris
Springer, Berlin, 2011
TooManyEyes: Super-recogniser directed identification of target individuals on CCTV
A Dimou, G Litos, P Daras, JP Davis
IET Digital Library, 2017
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