Tim Besard
Tim Besard
Software Engineer, Julia Computing
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Effective extensible programming: unleashing Julia on GPUs
T Besard, C Foket, B De Sutter
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 30 (4), 827-841, 2018
Rapid software prototyping for heterogeneous and distributed platforms
T Besard, V Churavy, A Edelman, B De Sutter
Advances in engineering software 132, 29-46, 2019
Oceananigans. jl: Fast and friendly geophysical fluid dynamics on GPUs
A Ramadhan, G Wagner, C Hill, JM Campin, V Churavy, T Besard, ...
Journal of Open Source Software 5 (53), 2020
On machine learning and programming languages
M Innes, S Karpinski, V Shah, D Barber, P Saito Stenetorp, T Besard, ...
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2018
Dynamic automatic differentiation of GPU broadcast kernels
J Revels, T Besard, V Churavy, B De Sutter, JP Vielma
arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.08297, 2018
Flexible Performant GEMM Kernels on GPUs
T Faingnaert, T Besard, B De Sutter
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 33 (9), 2230-2248, 2021
Automated translation and accelerated solving of differential equations on multiple GPU platforms
U Utkarsh, V Churavy, Y Ma, T Besard, P Srisuma, T Gymnich, ...
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 419, 116591, 2024
JuliaGPU/KernelAbstractions. jl: v0. 6.0
V Churavy, D Aluthge, L Wilcox, S Byrne, M Waruszewski, A Ramadhan, ...
March, 2021
Case study of multiple trace transform implementations
T Besard, B De Sutter, A Frías-Velázquez, W Philips
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 29 (4 …, 2015
High-level GPU programming in Julia
T Besard, P Verstraete, B De Sutter
arXiv preprint arXiv:1604.03410, 2016
Abstractions for programming graphics processors in high-level programming languages
T Besard
Ghent University, 2019
Blind adaptive beamforming of narrowband signals using an uncalibrated antenna-array by machine learning
S Schoenbrod, E Saba, M Bazdresch, S Kelly, T Besard, K Fischer
2022 IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems & Technology (PAST …, 2022
GPU Programming with Julia
T Besard, V Churavy, S Danisch
JuliaCon, 2017
Productively accelerating positron emission tomography image reconstruction on graphics processing units with Julia
M Van Gendt, T Besard, S Vandenberghe, B De Sutter
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 36 (3 …, 2022
Automated Translation and Accelerated Solving of Differential Equations on Multiple GPU Platforms
U Rajput, V Churavy, Y Ma, T Besard, T Gymnich, AR Gerlach, A Edelman, ...
CoRR, 2023
Dynamic AD of GPU Broadcast Kernels
J Revels, T Besard, V Churavy, B De Sutter, JP Vielma
Oceananigans. jl: Fast and friendly geophysical fluid dynamics on GPUs
VC Campin, T Besard, A Souza, A Edelman, J Marshall, R Ferrari
Abstracties voor het programmeren van grafische processoren in hoogniveau-programmeertalen Abstractions for Programming Graphics Processors in High-Level Programming Languages
T Besard
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