Prof. (Dr.) R.C.Bharati
Prof. (Dr.) R.C.Bharati
Ex-Principal Scientist, ICAR-RCER, Patna & Former Professor of DRPCAU Pusa
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An assessment of faba been (Vicia faba L.) current status and future prospect
A Singh, A.K., Bharati, R.C., Chandra, N., Mannibhushan, and Pedpati
African Journal of Agricultural Research 8 (50), 6634-6641, 2013
Effect of sulphur and zinc management on yield, nutrient uptake, changes in soil fertility and economics in rice (Oryza sativa)–lentil (Lens culinaris) cropping system
AK Singh, MK Meena, RC Bharati, RM Gade
Indian J. Agril. Sci 83 (3), 344-348, 2013
Improvement of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) yield and quality through biotechnological approach: A review
AK Singh, BP Bhatt, A Upadhyaya, S Kumar, PK Sundaram, BK Singh, ...
African Journal of Biotechnology 11 (87), 15264-15271, 2012
Effects of Genotype and Planting Time on Phenology and Performance of Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
AK Singh, N Chandra, RC Bharati
Vegetos. 25 (1), 151-156, 2012
Study of site specific nutrients management of cowpea seed production and their effect on soil nutrient status
AK Singh, BP Bhatt, PK Sundaram, S Kumar, RC Bahrati, N Chandra, ...
Journal of Agricultural Science 4 (10), 191, 2012
Sulphur and zinc nutrient management in rice lentil cropping system
AK Singh, MK Meena, RC Bharati
International Conference on “Life Science Research for Rural and …, 2011
Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) phenology and performance in response to its seed size class and planting depth
SKP A K Singh, B P Bhat, P K Sundaram, N Chndra, R C Bharati
International Journal of Agricultural and Statistics Sciences 8 (1), 2012
Effect of seed size and seeding depth on fava bean (Vicia fava L.) productivity.
AK Singh, RC Bharati, NC Naresh Chandra, SD Sushil Dimree
Suitable crop varieties for limited irrigated conditions in different agro climatic zones of India
AK Singh, CN Manibhushan, RC Bharati
Int. J. Trop. Agri 26 (3-4), 491-496, 2008
An economic analysis of milk production in Bihar
KM Singh, MS Meena, RC Bharati, A Kumar
Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 82 (10), 1233-1237, 2012
Response of intercrops and nutrient management on the performance of tobacco based intercropping system and assessment of system sustainability
AK Singh, KA Singh, RC Bharati, N Chandra
Bangladesh Journal of Botany 42 (2), 343-348, 2013
Economic condition of eastern region of india-an statistical evaluation
RC Bharati, KM Singh, N Chandra, AK Singh
Journal of AgriSearch, 2013
Effects of fertilization rate and crop rotation on diazotrophic cyanobacteria in paddy field
MN Jha, AN Prasad, SG Sharma, RC Bharati
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 17, 463-468, 2001
Factors affecting adoption of crop insurance in Bihar
Journal of AgriSearch 1 (2), 2014
Effect of integrated nutrient management on rice yield, soil nutrient profile, and cyanobacterial nitrogenase activity under rice–wheat cropping system
MN Jha, SK Chaurasia, RC Bharti
Communications in soil science and plant analysis 44 (13), 1961-1975, 2013
Potential of Residual Sulfur and Zinc Nutrition in Improving Powdery Mildew (Erysiphe trifolii) Disease Tolerance of Lentil (Lens culunaris L.)
AK Singh, KM Singh, RC Bharati, N Chandra, BP Bhatt, A Pedapati
Communications in soil science and plant analysis 45 (21), 2807-2818, 2014
Dynamics of Powdery Mildew (Erysiphe trifolii) Disease of Lentil Influenced by Sulphur and Zinc Nutrition
A Anil Kumar Singh, B. P. Bhatt, K. M. Singh, RC Bharati
Plant Pathology Journal 12 (2), 71-77, 2013
Farm size and productivity relationship in smallholder farms: some empirical evidences from Bihar, India
RKP Singh, A Kumar, KM Singh, N Chandra, RC Bharati, U Kumar, ...
Society for Community Mobilization for Sustainable Development 13 (1), 61-67, 2018
Effect of fertilizer levels and seed rates on growth and yield of surface-seeded wheat (Triticum aestivum) under lowland rice ecosystem of north Bihar
IB Pandey, V Bharati, RC Bharati, SS Mishra
Indian Journal of Agronomy 49 (1), 43-45, 2004
Efficacy of pre-and post-emergence herbicides on complex weed flora in direct-seeded rice (Oryza sativa) in the eastern plains
S Kumar, JM Shivani, JS Mishra, S Kumar, U Kumar, RC Bharati
Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 88 (3), 387-92, 2018
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Articles 1–20