Pieter Bonte
Pieter Bonte
KU Leuven and Ghent University - imec
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Towards a social and context-aware multi-sensor fall detection and risk assessment platform
F De Backere, F Ongenae, F Van Den Abeele, J Nelis, P Bonte, ...
Computers in biology and medicine 64, 307-320, 2015
The MASSIF platform: a modular and semantic platform for the development of flexible IoT services
P Bonte, F Ongenae, F De Backere, J Schaballie, D Arndt, S Verstichel, ...
Knowledge and Information Systems 51, 89-126, 2017
Streaming MASSIF: cascading reasoning for efficient processing of iot data streams
P Bonte, R Tommasini, E Della Valle, F De Turck, F Ongenae
Sensors 18 (11), 3832, 2018
Semantics-based platform for context-aware and personalized robot interaction in the internet of robotic things
C Mahieu, F Ongenae, F De Backere, P Bonte, F De Turck, P Simoens
Journal of Systems and Software 149, 138-157, 2019
RSP4J: an API for RDF stream processing
R Tommasini, P Bonte, F Ongenae, E Della Valle
The Semantic Web: 18th International Conference, ESWC 2021, Virtual Event …, 2021
Towards a cascading reasoning framework to support responsive ambient-intelligent healthcare interventions
M De Brouwer, F Ongenae, P Bonte, F De Turck
Sensors 18 (10), 3514, 2018
C-sprite: efficient hierarchical reasoning for rapid RDF stream processing
P Bonte, R Tommasini, F De Turck, F Ongenae, ED Valle
Proceedings of the 13th ACM International Conference on Distributed and …, 2019
The OCarePlatform: A context-aware system to support independent living
F De Backere, P Bonte, S Verstichel, F Ongenae, F De Turck
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 140, 111-120, 2017
Towards ontology-based event processing
R Tommasini, P Bonte, E Della Valle, E Mannens, F De Turck, F Ongenae
OWL: Experiences and Directions–Reasoner Evaluation: 13th International …, 2017
Subset reasoning for event-based systems
P Bonte, F Ongenae, F De Turck
Ieee Access 7, 107533-107549, 2019
pyrdf2vec: A python implementation and extension of rdf2vec
G Vandewiele, B Steenwinckel, T Agozzino, F Ongenae
arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.02283, 2022
Walk extraction strategies for node embeddings with rdf2vec in knowledge graphs
B Steenwinckel, G Vandewiele, P Bonte, M Weyns, H Paulheim, ...
Database and Expert Systems Applications-DEXA 2021 Workshops: BIOKDD, IWCFS …, 2021
Event-driven rule-based reasoning using EYE
B De Meester, D Arndt, P Bonte, J Bhatti, W Dereuddre, R Verborgh, ...
ISWC2015, 2015
Sharing health data in Belgium: A home care case study using the Vitalink platform
F De Backere, P Bonte, S Verstichel, F Ongenae, F De Turck
Informatics for Health and Social Care 43 (1), 56-72, 2018
Walk extraction strategies for node embeddings with rdf2vec in knowledge graphs
G Vandewiele, B Steenwinckel, P Bonte, M Weyns, H Paulheim, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.04404, 2020
Conditional constraints for knowledge graph embeddings
M Weyns, P Bonte, B Steenwinckel, F De Turck, F Ongenae
Workshop on Deep Learning for Knowledge Graphs (DL4KG2020), co-located with …, 2020
Improving OWL RL reasoning in N3 by using specialized rules
D Arndt, B De Meester, P Bonte, J Schaballie, J Bhatti, W Dereuddre, ...
Ontology Engineering: 12th International Experiences and Directions Workshop …, 2016
Ontology reasoning using rules in an eHealth context
D Arndt, B De Meester, P Bonte, J Schaballie, J Bhatti, W Dereuddre, ...
Rule Technologies: Foundations, Tools, and Applications: 9th International …, 2015
POD-QUERY: schema mapping and query rewriting for solid pods
M Vandenbrande, M Jakubowski, P Bonte, B Buelens, F Ongenae, ...
Streaming Linked Data
R Tommasini, P Bonte, F Spiga, E Della Valle
Springer International Publishing, 2023
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