Markus Baer
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Cited by
Innovation is not enough: Climates for initiative and psychological safety, process innovations, and firm performance
M Baer, M Frese
Journal of Organizational Behavior 24 (1), 45-68, 2003
The curvilinear relation between experienced creative time pressure and creativity: moderating effects of openness to experience and support for creativity.
M Baer, GR Oldham
Journal of Applied Psychology 91 (4), 963-970, 2006
Putting creativity to work: The implementation of creative ideas in organizations
M Baer
Academy of Management Journal 55 (5), 1102-1119, 2012
Organizational error management culture and its impact on performance: A two-study replication.
C Van Dyck, M Frese, M Baer, S Sonnentag
Journal of Applied Psychology 90 (6), 1228, 2005
The strength-of-weak-ties perspective on creativity: A comprehensive examination and extension.
M Baer
Journal of Applied Psychology 95 (3), 592-601, 2010
Rewarding creativity: When does it really matter?
M Baer, GR Oldham, A Cummings
The Leadership Quarterly 14 (4-5), 569-586, 2003
Creative self-efficacy and individual creativity in team contexts: Cross-level interactions with team informational resources.
AW Richter, G Hirst, D Van Knippenberg, M Baer
Journal of Applied Psychology 97 (6), 1282-1290, 2012
Microfoundations of strategic problem formulation
M Baer, KT Dirks, JA Nickerson
Strategic Management Journal 34 (2), 197-214, 2013
Win or lose the battle for creativity: The power and perils of intergroup competition
M Baer, RTAJ Leenders, GR Oldham, AK Vadera
Academy of Management Journal 53 (4), 827-845, 2010
Blind in one eye: How psychological ownership of ideas affects the types of suggestions people adopt
M Baer, G Brown
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 118 (1), 60-71, 2012
A critical analysis of the workplace creativity criterion space
T Montag, CP Maertz Jr, M Baer
Journal of Management 38 (4), 1362-1386, 2012
The personality composition of teams and creativity: The moderating role of team creative confidence
M Baer, GR Oldham, GC Jacobsohn, AB Hollingshead
The Journal of Creative Behavior 42 (4), 255-282, 2008
The social network side of individual innovation: A meta-analysis and path-analytic integration
M Baer, K Evans, GR Oldham, A Boasso
Organizational Psychology Review 5 (3), 191-223, 2015
Rational versus intuitive problem solving: How thinking “off the beaten path” can stimulate creativity.
E Dane, M Baer, MG Pratt, GR Oldham
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 5 (1), 3-12, 2011
On the emergence of collective psychological ownership in new creative teams
SM Gray, AP Knight, M Baer
Organization Science 31 (1), 141-164, 2020
Intergroup competition as a double-edged sword: How sex composition regulates the effects of competition on group creativity
M Baer, AK Vadera, RTAJ Leenders, GR Oldham
Organization Science 25 (3), 892-908, 2014
Creativity and the work context
GR Oldham, M Baer
Handbook of organizational creativity, 387-420, 2012
Revisiting the birth order-creativity connection: The role of sibling constellation
M Baer, GR Oldham, AB Hollingshead, G Costa Jacobsohn
Creativity Research Journal 17 (1), 67-77, 2005
Get up, stand up: The effects of a non-sedentary workspace on information elaboration and group performance
AP Knight, M Baer
Social Psychological and Personality Science 5 (8), 910-917, 2014
Protecting the turf: The effect of territorial marking on others’ creativity.
G Brown, M Baer
Journal of Applied Psychology 100 (6), 1785, 2015
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