Valériane Mistiaen
Valériane Mistiaen
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
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Cited by
Refugees in the news: Comparing Belgian and Swedish newspaper coverage of the European refugee situation during summer 2015
RD Cock, S Mertens, E Sundin, L Lams, V Mistiaen, W Joris, L d’Haenens
Communications 43 (3), 301-323, 2018
The refugee situation as portrayed in news media: A content analysis of Belgian and Swedish newspapers–2015-2017
R De Cock, E Sundin, V Mistiaen
Images of immigrants and refugees in Western Europe, 39-55, 2019
Depiction of immigration in television news: Public and commercial broadcasters–a comparison
V Mistiaen
Images of Immigrants and Refugees in Western Europe: Media Representations …, 2019
Communication practices in asylum seekers reception centres: from information precarity to voluntary return
A Van Neste-Gottignies, V Mistiaen
ESSACHESS–Journal for Communication Studies 12 (1 (23)), 121-142, 2019
Naming displaced people: new patterns in media discourse? A discourse analysis of Le Monde and Le Figaro
L Calabrese, V Mistiaen
Diacrítica 31 (3), 211-235, 2017
Une communication peu visible: l’Agence fédérale Belge pour l’accueil des demandeurs d’asile, les centres ouverts et le retour volontaire
A Van Neste-Gottignies, V Mistiaen
Langage & société, 51-74, 2018
De la crise de l’accueil à la crise provoquée. Évolution des dénominations en contexte migratoire belge
C Balty, V Mistiaen
Mots. Les langages du politique, 23-46, 2022
Naming people on the move according to the political agenda: A study of Belgian media
V Mistiaen
Discourse & Communication 15 (3), 308-329, 2021
La nomination des migrants dans Le Monde et Le Figaro. Analyse d’une catégorisation polémique
L Calabrese, V Mistiaen
Revue francophone des sciences de l'information et de la communication, 415, 2018
The “Don’t come/Go back home” continuum: the use of storytelling in Migration Information Campaigns
C Balty, V Mistiaen, A Van Neste-Gottignies, L Calabrese
Revista da ABRALIN, 93-112, 2021
Vluchtelingen in het nieuws. Een vergelijkende analyse van de berichtgeving in België en Zweden
W Joris, R De Cock, S Mertens, V Mistiaen, E Sundin, L Lams, ...
Vlaams tijdschrift voor overheidsmanagement 2018 (2), 37-49, 2018
The representation of the migrant crisis in the Belgian media. Localised coverage of an international issue
V Mistiaen, L Calabrese, B De Cleen
Discourse on refugees and migrants in the press coverage of European …, 2023
Une communication peu visible: l’Agence fédérale belge pour l’accueil des demandeurs d’asile, les centres ouverts et le retour volontaire
VANNG Amandine, M Valériane
Langage et société, 3, 2018
Beyond the migrant/refugee Dichotomy: Denominations of people on the move in media discourse in Belgium
V Mistiaen
From the reception crisis to the provoked crisis. Evolution of denominations in the Belgian migratory context
C Balty, V Mistiaen
Mots. Les langages du politique, 152-152, 2022
Modalités discursives sur l'immigration à la télévision belge: Comparaison de onze séquences traitant des migrations produites par la télévision publique et commerciale.
V Mistiaen
De l'émigration en Amérique latine à la crise migratoire., 237-254, 2021
Low-visibility communication: The Belgian Federal Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers, open centers, and voluntary return
A Van Neste-Gottignies, V Mistiaen
Langage et societe 165 (3), 51-74, 2018
Workshop Discourse Analysis and Corpus Linguisitics
VM Mistiaen
Reflections on Journalistic Role Perceptions in Belgium and Sweden: Strategies and Difficulties While Reporting on Refugees
S Mertens, R De Cock, V Mistiaen, S Helmersson
Representations of Refugees, Migrants, and Displaced People as the ‘Other …, 2024
Building consensus in European discourse about migration: willingness to avoid disorder or to protect immigrants?
VM Mistiaen
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Articles 1–20