Andrea Ballatore
Andrea Ballatore
Senior Lecturer (~Associate Professor) in Cultural Data Science, King's College London
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Imagining the thinking machine: Technological myths and the rise of artificial intelligence
S Natale, A Ballatore
Convergence 26 (1), 3-18, 2020
Geographic knowledge extraction and semantic similarity in OpenStreetMap
A Ballatore, M Bertolotto, DC Wilson
Knowledge and Information Systems 37 (1), 61-81, 2013
The web will kill them all: new media, digital utopia, and political struggle in the Italian 5-Star Movement
S Natale, A Ballatore
Media, Culture & Society 36 (1), 105-121, 2014
A conceptual quality framework for volunteered geographic information
A Ballatore, A Zipf
COSIT: Spatial Information Theory 9368, 89-107, 2015
E-readers and the death of the book: Or, new media and the myth of the disappearing medium
A Ballatore, S Natale
New Media & Society 18 (10), 2379-2394, 2016
An evaluative baseline for geo-semantic relatedness and similarity
A Ballatore, M Bertolotto, DC Wilson
GeoInformatica 18 (4), 747-767, 2014
Defacing the map: Cartographic vandalism in the digital commons
A Ballatore
The Cartographic Journal 51 (3), 214-224, 2014
Semantically enriching VGI in support of implicit feedback analysis
A Ballatore, M Bertolotto
Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems: 10th International …, 2011
Digital hegemonies: the localness of search engine results
A Ballatore, M Graham, S Sen
Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 2017
A survey of volunteered open geo-knowledge bases in the semantic web
A Ballatore, DC Wilson, M Bertolotto
Quality issues in the management of web information, 93-120, 2013
Computing the semantic similarity of geographic terms using volunteered lexical definitions
A Ballatore, DC Wilson, M Bertolotto
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 27 (10), 2099-2118, 2013
Designing a language for spatial computing
W Kuhn, A Ballatore
AGILE 2015: Geographic Information Science as an Enabler of Smarter Cities …, 2015
Good location, terrible food: detecting feature sentiment in user-generated reviews
M Cataldi, A Ballatore, I Tiddi, MA Aufaure
Social Network Analysis and Mining 3 (4), 1149-1163, 2013
Los Angeles as a digital place: The geographies of user‐generated content
A Ballatore, S De Sabbata
Transactions in GIS 24 (4), 880-902, 2020
Conceptualising the geographic world: the dimensions of negotiation in crowdsourced cartography
A Ballatore, P Mooney
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 29 (12), 2310-2327, 2015
Google chemtrails: A methodology to analyze topic representation in search engine results
A Ballatore
First Monday 20 (7), 2015
RecoMap: an interactive and adaptive map-based recommender
A Ballatore, G McArdle, C Kelly, M Bertolotto
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 887-891, 2010
A comparison of open source geospatial technologies for web mapping
A Ballatore, A Tahir, G McArdle, M Bertolotto
International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology 6 (4), 354-374, 2011
Personalizing maps
A Ballatore, M Bertolotto
Communications of the ACM 58 (12), 68-74, 2015
Extracting Place Emotions from Travel Blogs
A Ballatore, B Adams
AGILE 2015, 2015
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