vincent lorant
vincent lorant
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Socioeconomic inequalities in depression: a meta-analysis
V Lorant, D Deliège, W Eaton, A Robert, P Philippot, M Ansseau
American journal of epidemiology 157 (2), 98-112, 2003
Depression and socio-economic risk factors: 7-year longitudinal population study
V Lorant, C Croux, S Weich, D Deliège, J Mackenbach, M Ansseau
The British journal of psychiatry 190 (4), 293-298, 2007
Good practice in health care for migrants: views and experiences of care professionals in 16 European countries
S Priebe, S Sandhu, S Dias, A Gaddini, T Greacen, E Ioannidis, U Kluge, ...
BMC public health 11, 1-12, 2011
Socio-economic inequalities in suicide: a European comparative study
V Lorant, AE Kunst, M Huisman, G Costa, J Mackenbach
The British journal of psychiatry 187 (1), 49-54, 2005
Alcohol drinking among college students: college responsibility for personal troubles
V Lorant, P Nicaise, VE Soto, W d’Hoore
BMC public health 13, 1-9, 2013
Equity in prevention and health care
V Lorant, B Boland, P Humblet, D Deliège
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 56 (7), 510-516, 2002
Appropriateness of use of medicines in elderly inpatients: qualitative study
A Spinewine, C Swine, S Dhillon, BD Franklin, PM Tulkens, L Wilmotte, ...
bmj 331 (7522), 935, 2005
Survey error in measuring socio-economic risk factors of health status: a comparison of a survey and a census
V Lorant, S Demarest, PJ Miermans, H Van Oyen
International Journal of Epidemiology 36 (6), 1292-1299, 2007
A European comparative study of marital status and socio-economic inequalities in suicide
V Lorant, AE Kunst, M Huisman, M Bopp, J Mackenbach, ...
Social science & medicine 60 (11), 2431-2441, 2005
Substantial use of primary health care by prisoners: epidemiological description and possible explanations
JM Feron, D Paulus, R Tonglet, V Lorant, D Pestiaux
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 59 (8), 651-655, 2005
Good practice in mental health care for socially marginalised groups in Europe: a qualitative study of expert views in 14 countries
S Priebe, A Matanov, R Schor, C Straßmayr, H Barros, MM Barry, ...
BMC Public Health 12, 1-12, 2012
Contextual factors and immigrants’ health status: double jeopardy
V Lorant, H Van Oyen, I Thomas
Health & place 14 (4), 678-692, 2008
Deprivation and mortality: the implications of spatial autocorrelation for health resources allocation
V Lorant, I Thomas, D Deliège, R Tonglet
Social science & medicine 53 (12), 1711-1719, 2001
Psychiatric advance directives as a complex and multistage intervention: a realist systematic review
P Nicaise, V Lorant, V Dubois
Health & social care in the community 21 (1), 1-14, 2013
Leadership and cultural competence of healthcare professionals: a social network analysis
M Dauvrin, V Lorant
Nursing research 64 (3), 200-210, 2015
Fiscal decentralisation and infant mortality rate: The Colombian case
VE Soto, MI Farfan, V Lorant
Social Science & Medicine 74 (9), 1426-1434, 2012
Health care for irregular migrants: pragmatism across Europe. A qualitative study
M Dauvrin, V Lorant, S Sandhu, W Devillé, H Dia, S Dias, A Gaddini, ...
BMC research notes 5, 1-9, 2012
Psychological distress associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and suppression measures during the first wave in Belgium
V Lorant, P Smith, K Van den Broeck, P Nicaise
BMC psychiatry 21, 1-10, 2021
Socio‐economic differences in psychiatric in‐patient care
V Lorant, D Kampfl, A Seghers, D Deliege, MC Closon, M Ansseau
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 107 (3), 170-177, 2003
Mental health care delivery system reform in Belgium: the challenge of achieving deinstitutionalisation whilst addressing fragmentation of care at the same time
P Nicaise, V Dubois, V Lorant
Health Policy 115 (2-3), 120-127, 2014
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Articles 1–20