Stein Aerts
Stein Aerts
Professor @ University of Leuven; VIB Scientific Director & Group Leader
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Cited by
SCENIC: single-cell regulatory network inference and clustering
S Aibar, CB González-Blas, T Moerman, VA Huynh-Thu, H Imrichova, ...
Nature methods 14 (11), 1083-1086, 2017
Phenotype molding of stromal cells in the lung tumor microenvironment
D Lambrechts, E Wauters, B Boeckx, S Aibar, D Nittner, O Burton, ...
Nature medicine 24 (8), 1277-1289, 2018
Gene prioritization through genomic data fusion
S Aerts, D Lambrechts, S Maity, P Van Loo, B Coessens, F De Smet, ...
Nature biotechnology 24 (5), 537-544, 2006
iRegulon: from a gene list to a gene regulatory network using large motif and track collections
R Janky, A Verfaillie, H Imrichová, B Van de Sande, L Standaert, ...
PLoS computational biology 10 (7), e1003731, 2014
A scalable SCENIC workflow for single-cell gene regulatory network analysis
B Van de Sande, C Flerin, K Davie, M De Waegeneer, G Hulselmans, ...
Nature protocols 15 (7), 2247-2276, 2020
Discovery of functional elements in 12 Drosophila genomes using evolutionary signatures
A Stark, MF Lin, P Kheradpour, JS Pedersen, L Parts, JW Carlson, ...
Nature 450 (7167), 219-232, 2007
A single-cell transcriptome atlas of the aging Drosophila brain
K Davie, J Janssens, D Koldere, M De Waegeneer, U Pech, Ł Kreft, ...
Cell 174 (4), 982-998. e20, 2018
Toward minimal residual disease-directed therapy in melanoma
F Rambow, A Rogiers, O Marin-Bejar, S Aibar, J Femel, M Dewaele, ...
Cell 174 (4), 843-855. e19, 2018
Melanoma addiction to the long non-coding RNA SAMMSON
E Leucci, R Vendramin, M Spinazzi, P Laurette, M Fiers, J Wouters, ...
Nature 531 (7595), 518-522, 2016
Alteration of the micro RNA network during the progression of Alzheimer's disease
P Lau, K Bossers, R Janky, E Salta, CS Frigerio, S Barbash, R Rothman, ...
EMBO molecular medicine 5 (10), 1613-1634, 2013
Fly Cell Atlas: A single-nucleus transcriptomic atlas of the adult fruit fly
H Li, J Janssens, M De Waegeneer, SS Kolluru, K Davie, V Gardeux, ...
Science 375 (6584), eabk2432, 2022
Exome sequencing identifies mutation in CNOT3 and ribosomal genes RPL5 and RPL10 in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
K De Keersmaecker, ZK Atak, N Li, C Vicente, S Patchett, T Girardi, ...
Nature Genetics, 2012
p53 induces formation of NEAT1 lncRNA-containing paraspeckles that modulate replication stress response and chemosensitivity
C Adriaens, L Standaert, J Barra, M Latil, A Verfaillie, P Kalev, B Boeckx, ...
Nature medicine 22 (8), 861-868, 2016
Decoding the regulatory landscape of melanoma reveals TEADS as regulators of the invasive cell state
A Verfaillie, H Imrichova, ZK Atak, M Dewaele, F Rambow, G Hulselmans, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 6683, 2015
GRNBoost2 and Arboreto: efficient and scalable inference of gene regulatory networks
T Moerman, S Aibar Santos, C Bravo González-Blas, J Simm, Y Moreau, ...
Bioinformatics 35 (12), 2159-2161, 2019
cisTopic: cis-regulatory topic modeling on single-cell ATAC-seq data
C Bravo González-Blas, L Minnoye, D Papasokrati, S Aibar, ...
Nature methods 16 (5), 397-400, 2019
ORegAnno: an open-access community-driven resource for regulatory annotation
OL Griffith, SB Montgomery, B Bernier, B Chu, K Kasaian, S Aerts, ...
Nucleic acids research 36 (suppl_1), D107-D113, 2007
E ndeavour update: a web resource for gene prioritization in multiple species
LC Tranchevent, R Barriot, S Yu, S Van Vooren, P Van Loo, B Coessens, ...
Nucleic acids research 36 (suppl_2), W377-W384, 2008
Toucan: deciphering the cis ‐regulatory logic of coregulated genes
S Aerts, G Thijs, B Coessens, M Staes, Y Moreau, BD Moor
Nucleic acids research 31 (6), 1753-1764, 2003
Mapping gene regulatory networks from single-cell omics data
MWEJ Fiers, L Minnoye, S Aibar, C Bravo González-Blas, Z Kalender Atak, ...
Briefings in functional genomics 17 (4), 246-254, 2018
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Articles 1–20