Kateřina Žmolíková
Kateřina Žmolíková
Research scientist, Meta
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Speakerbeam: Speaker aware neural network for target speaker extraction in speech mixtures
K Žmolíková, M Delcroix, K Kinoshita, T Ochiai, T Nakatani, L Burget, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 13 (4), 800-814, 2019
Single channel target speaker extraction and recognition with speaker beam
M Delcroix, K Zmolikova, K Kinoshita, A Ogawa, T Nakatani
2018 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal …, 2018
Speaker-aware neural network based beamformer for speaker extraction in speech mixtures
K Zmolikova, M Delcroix, K Kinoshita, T Higuchi, A Ogawa, T Nakatani
Proc. Interspeech 2017, 2655--2659, 2017
Improving speaker discrimination of target speech extraction with time-domain speakerbeam
M Delcroix, T Ochiai, K Zmolikova, K Kinoshita, N Tawara, T Nakatani, ...
ICASSP 2020-2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2020
Sequence summarizing neural network for speaker adaptation
K Veselý, S Watanabe, K Žmolíková, M Karafiát, L Burget, J Černocký
2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2016
Neural target speech extraction: An overview
K Zmolikova, M Delcroix, T Ochiai, K Kinoshita, J Černocký, D Yu
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 40 (3), 8-29, 2023
BUT system for the second DIHARD speech diarization challenge
F Landini, S Wang, M Diez, L Burget, P Matějka, K Žmolíková, L Mošner, ...
ICASSP 2020-2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2020
BUT System for DIHARD Speech Diarization Challenge 2018.
M Diez, F Landini, L Burget, J Rohdin, A Silnova, K Zmolíková, O Novotný, ...
Interspeech, 2798-2802, 2018
Learning speaker representation for neural network based multichannel speaker extraction
K Zmolikova, M Delcroix, K Kinoshita, T Higuchi, A Ogawa, T Nakatani
2017 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop, 8-15, 2017
Compact network for speakerbeam target speaker extraction
M Delcroix, K Zmolikova, T Ochiai, K Kinoshita, S Araki, T Nakatani
ICASSP 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2019
Deep clustering-based beamforming for separation with unknown number of sources
T Higuchi, K Kinoshita, M Delcroix, K Žmolíková, T Nakatani
Interspeech 2017, 1183, 2017
Speaker activity driven neural speech extraction
M Delcroix, K Zmolikova, T Ochiai, K Kinoshita, T Nakatani
ICASSP 2021-2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2021
Jointly trained transformers models for spoken language translation
HK Vydana, M Karafiát, K Zmolikova, L Burget, H Černocký
ICASSP 2021-2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2021
But system description for dihard speech diarization challenge 2019
F Landini, S Wang, M Diez, L Burget, P Matějka, K Žmolíková, L Mošner, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.08847, 2019
Listen only to me! How well can target speech extraction handle false alarms?
M Delcroix, K Kinoshita, T Ochiai, K Zmolikova, H Sato, T Nakatani
arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.04811, 2022
Optimization of speaker-aware multichannel speech extraction with ASR criterion
K Zmolikova, M Delcroix, K Kinoshita, T Higuchi, T Nakatani, J Cernocky
Auxiliary loss function for target speech extraction and recognition with weak supervision based on speaker characteristics
K Zmolikova, M Delcroix, D Raj, S Watanabe, J Černocký
22nd Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association …, 2021
Training data augmentation and data selection
M Karafiát, K Veselý, K Žmolíková, M Delcroix, S Watanabe, L Burget, ...
New Era for Robust Speech Recognition: Exploiting Deep Learning, 245-260, 2017
Data selection by sequence summarizing neural network in mismatch condition training
K Zmolikova, M Karafiát, K Veselý, M Delcroix, S Watanabe, L Burget, ...
Interspeech 2016 2016, 2354-2358, 2016
Integration of variational autoencoder and spatial clustering for adaptive multi-channel neural speech separation
K Zmolikova, M Delcroix, L Burget, T Nakatani, JH Černocky
2021 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT), 889-896, 2021
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