Michael Mulvaney
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Cited by
Decomposition, nitrogen and carbon mineralization from food and cover crop residues in the central plateau of Haiti
MJ Lynch, MJ Mulvaney, SC Hodges, TL Thompson, WE Thomason
Springerplus 5, 1-9, 2016
Comparative physiological and metabolomics analysis of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) following post-anthesis heat stress
K Thomason, MA Babar, JE Erickson, M Mulvaney, C Beecher, ...
PloS one 13 (6), e0197919, 2018
Carbon and nitrogen mineralization and persistence of organic residues under conservation and conventional tillage
MJ Mulvaney, CW Wood, KS Balkcom, DA Shannon, JM Kemble
Agronomy journal 102 (5), 1425-1433, 2010
Brassica carinata genotypes demonstrate potential as a winter biofuel crop in South East United States
S Kumar, R Seepaul, MJ Mulvaney, B Colvin, S George, JJ Marois, ...
Industrial Crops and Products 150, 112353, 2020
Brassica carinata: Biology and agronomy as a biofuel crop
R Seepaul, S Kumar, JE Iboyi, M Bashyal, TL Stansly, R Bennett, ...
Gcb Bioenergy 13 (4), 582-599, 2021
Brassica carinata Seeding Rate and Row Spacing Effects on Morphology, Yield, and Oil
MJ Mulvaney, RG Leon, R Seepaul, DL Wright, TL Hoffman
Agronomy Journal 111 (2), 528-535, 2019
Differentiation of life-history traits among Palmer amaranth populations (Amaranthus palmeri) and its relation to cropping systems and glyphosate sensitivity
W Bravo, RG Leon, JA Ferrell, MJ Mulvaney, CW Wood
Weed Science 65 (3), 339-349, 2017
Carinata, the sustainable crop for a bio-based economy: 2018–2019 production recommendations for the southeastern United States
R Seepaul, IM Small, MJ Mulvaney, S George, RG Leon, ...
University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences …, 2019
Cover crop residue and organic mulches provide weed control during limited-input no-till collard production
MJ Mulvaney, AJ Price, CW Wood
Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 35 (3), 312-328, 2011
Ammonia emissions from field‐simulated cattle defecation and urination
MJ Mulvaney, KA Cummins, CW Wood, BH Wood, PJ Tyler
Journal of environmental quality 37 (6), 2022-2027, 2008
Adjusting crop yield to a standard moisture content: SS-AGR-443/AG442, 05/2020
MJ Mulvaney, PJ Devkota
Edis 2020 (3), 2020
Peanut residue carbon and nitrogen mineralization under simulated conventional and conservation tillage
MJ Mulvaney, KS Balkcom, CW Wood, D Jordan
Agronomy Journal 109 (2), 696-705, 2017
Crop season planning tool: Adjusting sowing decisions to reduce the risk of extreme weather events
D Perondi, CW Fraisse, CG Staub, VA Cerbaro, DD Barreto, ...
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 156, 62-70, 2019
Evolutionary Adaptations of Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) to Nitrogen Fertilization and Crop Rotation History Affect Morphology and Nutrient-Use Efficiency
W Bravo, RG Leon, JA Ferrell, MJ Mulvaney, CW Wood
Weed Science 66 (2), 180-189, 2018
Dialkylhydrazides for directed orthometalations
SA Pratt, MP Goble, MJ Mulvaney, PGM Wuts
Tetrahedron Letters 41 (19), 3559-3562, 2000
Growing winter Brassica carinata as part of a diversified crop rotation for integrated weed management
R Tiwari, TA Reinhardt Piskáčková, P Devkota, MJ Mulvaney, JA Ferrell, ...
GCB Bioenergy 13 (3), 425-435, 2021
Genotype by tillage interaction and performance progress for bread and durum wheat genotypes on irrigated raised beds
N Honsdorf, MJ Mulvaney, RP Singh, K Ammar, J Burgueńo, B Govaerts, ...
Field Crops Research 216, 42-52, 2018
Conservation agriculture improves yield and reduces weeding activity in sandy soils of Cambodia
DA Edralin, GC Sigua, MR Reyes, MJ Mulvaney, SS Andrews
Agronomy for sustainable development 37, 1-11, 2017
Tillage system and seeding rate effects on the performance of Brassica carinata
JE Iboyi, MJ Mulvaney, KS Balkcom, R Seepaul, M Bashyal, D Perondi, ...
GCB Bioenergy 13 (4), 600-617, 2021
Peanut Rx: Minimizing diseases of peanut in the southeastern United States
R Kemerait, A Culbreath, E Prostko, T Brenneman, A Smith, S Tubbs, ...
WS Monfort (ed.), 47-64, 2016
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