Koen Pepermans
Koen Pepermans
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Voting aid applications and the effect of statement selection
S Walgrave, M Nuytemans, K Pepermans
West European Politics 32 (6), 1161-1180, 2009
Cotton and surgical face masks in community settings: bacterial contamination and face mask hygiene
L Delanghe, E Cauwenberghs, I Spacova, I De Boeck, W Van Beeck, ...
Frontiers in medicine 8, 732047, 2021
What drives compliance with COVID‐19 measures over time? Explaining changing impacts with goal framing theory
F Six, S De Vadder, M Glavina, K Verhoest, K Pepermans
Regulation & Governance 17 (1), 3-21, 2023
Exploring high impact scholarship in research on student's evaluation of teaching (SET)
P Spooren, F Vandermoere, R Vanderstraeten, K Pepermans
Educational Research Review 22, 129-141, 2017
Individual factors influencing COVID-19 vaccine acceptance in between and during pandemic waves (July–December 2020)
S Valckx, J Crèvecoeur, F Verelst, M Vranckx, G Hendrickx, N Hens, ...
Vaccine 40 (1), 151-161, 2022
Taking a COVID-19 vaccine or not? Do trust in government and trust in experts help us to understand vaccination intention?
J Wynen, S Op de Beeck, K Verhoest, M Glavina, F Six, P Van Damme, ...
Administration & Society 54 (10), 1875-1901, 2022
Infectious diseases epidemiology, quantitative methodology, and clinical research in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic: Perspective from a European country
G Molenberghs, M Buyse, S Abrams, N Hens, P Beutels, C Faes, ...
Contemporary Clinical Trials 99, 106189, 2020
Can COVID-19 symptoms as reported in a large-scale online survey be used to optimise spatial predictions of COVID-19 incidence risk in Belgium?
T Neyens, C Faes, M Vranckx, K Pepermans, N Hens, P Van Damme, ...
Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology 35, 100379, 2020
Why representation fails. Determinants of incorrect voting in a crowded party system
S Walgrave, J Lefevere, K Pepermans, M Nuytemans
NCCR Democracy Workshop on Political Representation" New Ways of Measuring …, 2009
A spatial model to jointly analyze self‐reported survey data of COVID‐19 symptoms and official COVID‐19 incidence data
M Vranckx, C Faes, G Molenberghs, N Hens, P Beutels, P Van Damme, ...
Biometrical Journal 65 (1), 2100186, 2023
A spatial model to optimise predictions of COVID-19 incidence risk in Belgium using symptoms as reported in a large-scale online survey
T Neyens, C Faes, M Vranckx, K Pepermans, N Hens, P Van Damme, ...
MedRxiv, 2020.05. 18.20105627, 2020
Voting Aid Applications between charlatanism and political science: the effect of statement selection
S Walgrave, M Nuytemans, K Pepernams
Proc. Conf. Voting Advice Appl.: Between Charlatanism Political Sci, 2008
Pros and cons of an illicit drug users' registration system by means of judicial data in Flanders (Belgium)
G Van Hal, K De Groote, P Van Damme, K Pepermans, ...
Public health 115 (1), 70-77, 2001
Studying the voter–party match: Congruence and incongruence between voters and parties
J Lefevere, S Walgrave, M Nuytemans, K Pepermans
Political Representation, 152-169, 2016
Selecting statements for voting advice applications: the need for benchmarking
S Walgrave, M Nuytemans, K Pepermans
Conference’Voting Advice Applications (VAAs): between charlatanism and …, 2008
A Comparison of Items and Constructs of Standardized Health-Related Quality of Life and Mental Well-Being Measures
Z Mao, J Crèvecoeur, K Pepermans, P Kind, T Neyens, P Beutels
Value in Health 27 (4), 478-489, 2024
Salience and Conflict. Determinants of Policy Issue Incongruence between Voters and Parties
S Walgrave, J Lefevere, K Pepermans, M Nuytemans
American Journal of Political Science, 2011
Relating mental health, health-related quality of life and well-being in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional comparison in 14 European countries in early 2023
Z Mao, K Pepermans, P Beutels
Public Health 238, 16-22, 2025
The effect of spatio-temporal sample imbalance in epidemiologic surveillance using opportunistic samples: An ecological study using real and simulated self-reported COVID-19 …
AR Posada, C Faes, P Beutels, K Pepermans, N Hens, P Van Damme, ...
Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology 50, 100676, 2024
Vertrouwen in de overheid tijdens de covid-19-pandemie: een vergelijking tussen meerdere overheidsniveaus
P Bursens, S De Vadder, M Glavina, P Popelier, E Van Zimmeren, ...
Vlaams tijdschrift voor overheidsmanagement/Vlaams Instituut voor …, 2022
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