Manuel Caeiro Rodríguez
Manuel Caeiro Rodríguez
Associate Professor of Telematic Engineering, atlanTTic Research Center, University of Vigo
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Cited by
Collection and processing of data from wrist wearable devices in heterogeneous and multiple-user scenarios
F de Arriba-Pérez, M Caeiro-Rodríguez, JM Santos-Gago
Sensors 16 (9), 1538, 2016
Integrating micro-learning content in traditional e-learning platforms
RP Díaz Redondo, M Caeiro Rodríguez, JJ López Escobar, ...
Multimedia Tools and Applications 80 (2), 3121-3151, 2021
Educational metadata and brokerage for learning resources
LE Anido, MJ Fernández, M Caeiro, JM Santos, M Llamas
Computers & Education 38 (4), 351-374, 2002
A systematic review of commercial smart gloves: Current status and applications
M Caeiro-Rodríguez, I Otero-González, FA Mikic-Fonte, M Llamas-Nistal
Sensors 21 (8), 2667, 2021
Teaching soft skills in engineering education: An European perspective
M Caeiro-Rodríguez, M Manso-Vázquez, FA Mikic-Fonte, M Llamas-Nistal, ...
IEEE Access 9, 29222-29242, 2021
A component model for standardized web-based education
L Anido-Rifon, MJ Fernández-Iglesias, M Llamas-Nistal, ...
Journal on Educational Resources in Computing (JERIC) 1 (2es), 1-es, 2001
Procedimientos para la extracción de aceites esenciales en plantas aromáticas
M Rodríguez, L Alcaraz, S Real
Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste. Baja California, México, 2012
Use of e-learning functionalities and standards: the Spanish case
M Llamas-Nistal, M Caeiro-Rodríguez, M Castro
IEEE Transactions on education 54 (4), 540-549, 2010
A critical analysis of IMS Learning Design
M Caeiro, L Anido, M Llamas
Designing for Change in Networked Learning Environments: Proceedings of the …, 2003
Systematic literature review of predictive analysis tools in higher education
M Liz-Domínguez, M Caeiro-Rodríguez, M Llamas-Nistal, FA Mikic-Fonte
Applied Sciences 9 (24), 5569, 2019
How do you sleep? Using off the shelf wrist wearables to estimate sleep quality, sleepiness level, chronotype and sleep regularity indicators
F de Arriba-Pérez, M Caeiro-Rodríguez, JM Santos-Gago
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 9, 897-917, 2018
Distribution of α1‐antitrypsin PI S and PI Z frequencies in countries outside Europe: a meta‐analysis
I Blanco, EF Bustillo, MC Rodriguez
Clinical genetics 60 (6), 431-441, 2001
Reverse OAuth-A solution to achieve delegated authorizations in single sign-on environments
J Fontenla, M Caeiro, M Llamas, L Anido
Computers and Security, 2009
poEML: A separation of concerns proposal to instructional design
M Caeiro-Rodríguez
Handbook of visual languages for instructional design: theories and …, 2008
Supporting the modeling of flexible educational units
M Caeiro-Rodrıguez, MJ Marcelino, M Llamas-Nistal, L Anido-Rifón, ...
Journal of Universal Computer Science 13 (7), 980-990, 2007
Cognitive effectiveness of visual instructional design languages
K Figl, M Derntl, MC Rodriguez, L Botturi
Journal of Visual Languages & Computing 21 (6), 359-373, 2010
Research in learning analytics and educational data mining to measure self-regulated learning: A systematic review
AA ElSayed, M Caeiro-Rodríguez, FA MikicFonte, M Llamas-Nistal
World conference on mobile and contextual learning, 46-53, 2019
Achievements and challenges in learning analytics in Spain: The view of SNOLA
A Martínez Monés, I Dimitriadis Damoulis, E Acquila Natale, A Álvarez, ...
RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia 23 (2), 187, 2020
An xAPI application profile to monitor self-regulated learning strategies
M Manso-Vázquez, M Caeiro-Rodríguez, M Llamas-Nistal
IEEE Access 6, 42467-42481, 2018
NLAST: A natural language assistant for students
FAM Fonte, ML Nistal, ML Nistal, MC Rodríguez
2016 IEEE global engineering education conference (EDUCON), 709-713, 2016
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Articles 1–20