Patrick Wendell
Patrick Wendell
Student, U.C. Berkeley
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Cited by
Cited by
Apache spark: a unified engine for big data processing
M Zaharia, RS Xin, P Wendell, T Das, M Armbrust, A Dave, X Meng, ...
Communications of the ACM 59 (11), 56-65, 2016
Sparrow: distributed, low latency scheduling
K Ousterhout, P Wendell, M Zaharia, I Stoica
Proceedings of the twenty-fourth ACM symposium on operating systems …, 2013
Learning spark: lightning-fast big data analysis
H Karau, A Konwinski, P Wendell, M Zaharia
" O'Reilly Media, Inc.", 2015
Free dolly: Introducing the world’s first truly open instruction-tuned llm
M Conover, M Hayes, A Mathur, J Xie, J Wan, S Shah, A Ghodsi, ...
Company Blog of Databricks, 2023
Donar: decentralized server selection for cloud services
P Wendell, JW Jiang, MJ Freedman, J Rexford
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2010 conference, 231-242, 2010
Scaling spark in the real world: performance and usability
M Armbrust, T Das, A Davidson, A Ghodsi, A Or, J Rosen, I Stoica, ...
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 8 (12), 1840-1843, 2015
Going viral: flash crowds in an open CDN
P Wendell, MJ Freedman
Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement …, 2011
Learning spark
M Zaharia, P Wendell, A Konwinski, H Karau
Lightning-Fast Big Data Analysis, 2015
Sparrow: Scalable scheduling for sub-second parallel jobs
K Ousterhout, P Wendell, M Zaharia, I Stoica
EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/EECS-2013-29, 2013
Batch sampling: Low overhead scheduling for sub-second prallel jobs
K Ousterhout, P Wendell, M Zaharia, I Stoica
University of California, Berkeley, 2012
Learning Spark: Lightning-Fast Big Analytics
M Hamstra, H Karau, M Zaharia, A Knwinski, P Wendell
O’Really Media, 2015
Spark 快速大数据分析
H Karau, A Konwinski, P Wendell, M Zaharia
Ren min you dian chu ban she, 2015
S.(2016)‘Apache Spark’
M Zaharia, MJ Franklin, A Ghodsi, J Gonzalez, S Shenker, I Stoica
Communications of the ACM 59 (11), 56-65, 0
Decentralized server selection through joint proximity and load optimization
P Wendell, J Jiang, J Rexford, M Freedman
network 1 (15), 8-9, 2009
Big data and internships at cloudera
Y Chen, A Ferguson, B Martin, A Wang, P Wendell
XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students 19 (1), 35-37, 2012
HTTP: An Evolvable Narrow Waist for the Future Internet
L Popa, P Wendell, A Ghodsi, I Stoica
Technical Report UCB/EECS-2012–5., 2012
Scalable Scheduling for Sub-Second Parallel Jobs
PM Wendell
University of California, Berkeley Spring 2013., 2013
The magazine archive includes every article published in Communications of the ACM for over the past 50 years.
M Zaharia, RS Xin, P Wendell, T Das, M Armbrust, A Dave, X Meng, ...
Communications of the ACM 59 (11), 56-65, 2016
Zadání diplomové práce
BP Kamas
Zadání diplomové práce
H Karau, A Konwinski, P Wendell, M Zaharia
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