Kevin Smets
Cited by
Cited by
Five Questions for Digital Migration Studies: Learning From Digital Connectivity and Forced Migration In (to) Europe
K Leurs, K Smets
Social Media+ Society 4 (1), 2056305118764425, 2018
Understanding the Images of Alan Kurdi With “Small Data”: A Qualitative, Comparative Analysis of Tweets About Refugees in Turkey and Flanders (Belgium)
C Bozdag, K Smets
International Journal of Communication 11, 24, 2017
The way Syrian refugees in Turkey use media: Understanding “connected refugees” through a non-media-centric and local approach
K Smets
Communications: the European Journal of Communication Research, 2017
The SAGE Handbook of Media and Migration
K Smets, K Leurs, M Georgiou, S Witteborn, R Gajjala
SAGE, 2019
Constructing the “refugee crisis” in Flanders: Continuities and adaptations of discourses on asylum and migration
B De Cleen, J Zienkowski, K Smets, A Dekie, R Vandevoordt
The migrant crisis: European perspectives and national discourses, 59-78, 2017
Beyond Victimhood: Reflecting on Migrant-Victim Representations with Afghan, Iraqi, and Syrian Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Belgium
K Smets, J Mazzocchetti, L Gerstmans, L Mostmans
Media and immobility: The affective and symbolic immobility of forced migrants
K Smets
European Journal of Communication 34 (6), 650-660, 2019
Editorial introduction. Representations of immigrants and refugees: News coverage, public opinion and media literacy
K Smets, Ç Bozdağ
Communications 43 (3), 293-299, 2018
Ethnic media, conflict, and the nation-state: Kurdish broadcasting in Turkey and Europe and mediated nationhood
K Smets
Media, Culture & Society 38 (5), 738-754, 2016
The politics and poetics of migrant narratives
K Leurs, I Agirreazkuenaga, K Smets, M Mevsimler
European Journal of Cultural Studies 23 (5), 679-697, 2020
Diaspora organizations, imagined communities and the versatility of diaspora: The case of Former Yugoslav organizations in the Netherlands
J Van Gorp, K Smets
European Journal of Cultural Studies 18 (1), 70-85, 2015
Media freedoms and covert diplomacy: Turkey challenges Europe over Kurdish broadcasts
C Sinclair, K Smets
Global Media and Communication 10 (3), 319-331, 2014
Ethnic identity without ethnic media? Diasporic cosmopolitanism,(social) media and distant conflict among young Kurds in London
K Smets
International Communication Gazette 80 (7), 603-619, 2018
Heterogeneity in Alternative Media Spheres: Oppositional Media and the Framing of Sectarianism in the Syrian Conflict
Y Badran, K Smets
International Journal of Communication 12, 19, 2018
Anatomy of a precarious newsroom: precarity and agency in Syrian exiled journalism in Turkey
Y Badran, K Smets
Media, Culture & Society 43 (8), 1377-1394, 2021
Diasporas and Audience Studies: A Fruitful Match? Reflections From a Media Ethnographic Study on Turkish and Moroccan Film Audiences
K Smets
The Communication Review 16 (1-2), 103-111, 2013
Doing Diasporic Media Research: Methodological Challenges and Innovations
K Smets
The Handbook of Diasporas, Media, and Culture, 97-111, 2019
Cinemas of conflict: A framework of cinematic engagement with violent conflict, illustrated with Kurdish cinema
K Smets
International journal of communication.-- 9, 796-817, 2015
Connecting Islam and film culture: The reception of The Message (Ar Risalah) among the Moroccan diaspora
K Smets
Participations: journal of audience and reception studies.-Middlesex 9 (1 …, 2012
Media and violent conflict: Halil Dağ, Kurdish insurgency, and the hybridity of vernacular cinema of conflict
K Smets, AH Akkaya
Media, War & Conflict 9 (1), 76-92, 2016
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Articles 1–20