Dr. Mohammad Bahram
Dr. Mohammad Bahram
BMW Group
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Cited by
Experience, Results and Lessons Learned From Automated Driving on Germany’s Highways
M Aeberhard, S Rauch, M Bahram, G Tanzmeister, J Thomas, Y Pilat, ...
IEEE Magazine on intelligent transporation systems, 2015
A combined model-and learning-based framework for interaction-aware maneuver prediction
M Bahram, C Hubmann, A Lawitzky, M Aeberhard, D Wollherr
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 17 (6), 1538-1550, 2016
A Game Theoretic Approach to Replanning-aware Interactive Scene Prediction and Planning
M Bahram, A Lawitzky, J Friedrichs, M Aeberhard, D Wollherr
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Submitted, 2015
A prediction based reactive driving strategy for highly automated driving function on freeways
M Bahram, A Wolf, M Aeberhard, D Wollherr
IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 2014
Please Take Over! An Analysis and Strategy For a Driver Take Over Request During Autonomous Driving
M Bahram, M Aeberhard, D Wollherr
IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 2015
Microscopic traffic simulation based evaluation of highly automated driving on highways
M Bahram, Z Ghandeharioun, P Zahn, M Baur, W Huber, F Busch
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2014 IEEE 17th International …, 2014
An extension of the PEAQ measure by a binaural hearing model
M Schäfer, M Bahram, P Vary
2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2013
Interactive Maneuver Prediction and Planning for Highly Automated Driving Functions
M Bahram
Technische Universität München, 2017
Quantifying Realistic Behaviour of Traffic Agents in Urban Driving Simulation Based on Questionnaires
T Rock, M Bahram, C Himmels, S Marker
2022 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 1675-1682, 2022
Generatives Prädiktionsmodell zur frühzeitigen Spurwechselerkennung
M Bahram, A Lohrer, M Aeberhard
9.FAS-Workshop Fahrerassistenzsysteme Walting, 2014
Improved binaural model for localization of multiple sources
M Schäfer, M Bahram, P Vary
Speech Communication; 10. ITG Symposium, 1-4, 2012
Objectively Scoring the Human-Likeness of Artificial Driver Models
T Rock, T Hryhoruk, T Bleher, M Bahram, S Marker, AA Syed, M Sekeran
Applied Sciences 13 (18), 10218, 2023
A generic Steering Wheel Torque Model using Neural Networks
S Hörmann, E Comulada Simpson, M Bahram
Proc. Driving Simulation Conference, 2017, pp. 43-50, 2017
Lane change assistance system for a motor vehicle
M Bahram, M Aeberhard, I Trübswetter, A Müller
EP Patent 3,261,892, 2016
System for automated vehicle guidance with driver-side selection of driving maneuvers in a special driving situation
G Franz, M Bahram, C Rölle, L Sorokin
DE Patent DE102016211646A1, 2016
2015 Index IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine Vol. 7
H Abdelgawad, B Abdulhai, M Aeberhard, A Alhafdhi, A Ali, ...
Method for determining prior values of a monitoring device of a driver of a motor vehicle
M Bahram, R Decke, A König
DE Patent DE102015221367A1, 2015
Method and control unit for controlling a vehicle when taken over from an autonomous driving mode
M Bahram, M Aeberhard
DE Patent DE102015211134A1, 2015
Impact Evaluation of Highly Automated Vehicles in Traffic Flow on Highways by means of Microscopic Traffic Simulation
M Bahram, Z Ghandeharioun, P Zahn, M Baur, W Huber, F Busch
Fahrerassistenz und Aktive Sicherheit. Wirksamkeit – Beherrschbarkeit …, 2015
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Articles 1–19