Lucia Martinelli
Lucia Martinelli
MUSE - Science museum, Trento, Italy
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A genetic analysis of cell culture traits in tomato
M Koornneef, CJ Hanhart, L Martinelli
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 74, 633-641, 1987
Face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic: a simple protection tool with many meanings
L Martinelli, V Kopilaš, M Vidmar, C Heavin, H Machado, Z Todorović, ...
Frontiers in public health 8, 606635, 2021
Genetic transformation and regeneration of transgenic plants in grapevine (Vitis rupestris S.)
L Martinelli, G Mandolino
Theoretical and applied genetics 88, 621-628, 1994
Somatic embryogenesis from leaf-and petiole-derived callus of Vitis rupestris
L Martinelli, P Bragagna, V Poletti, A Scienza
Plant Cell Reports 12 (4), 207-210, 1993
Somatic embryogenesis in grapevine
L Martinelli, I Gribaudo
Molecular biology & biotechnology of the grapevine, 327-351, 2001
DNA analysis in wines: Development of methods for enhanced extraction and real-time polymerase chain reaction quantification
F Savazzini, L Martinelli
Analytica Chimica Acta 563 (1-2), 274-282, 2006
Polyamines and somatic embryogenesis in two Vitis vinifera cultivars
D Bertoldi, A Tassoni, L Martinelli, N Bagni
Physiologia plantarum 120 (4), 657-666, 2004
Morphogenic competence of Vitis rupestris S. secondary somatic embryos with a long culture history
L Martinelli, E Candioli, D Costa, V Poletti, N Rascio
Plant Cell Reports 20, 279-284, 2001
High efficiency somatic embryogenesis and plant germination in grapevine cultivars Chardonnay and Brachetto a grappolo lungo
L Martinelli, I Gribaudo, D Bertoldi, E Candioli, V Poletti
Vitis 40 (3), 111-115, 2001
Chromosomal instability in cell-and tissue cultures of tomato haploids and diploids
M Koornneef, JAM Van Diepen, CJ Hanhart, AC Kieboom-de Waart, ...
Euphytica 43, 179-186, 1989
Strategies for effective somatic embryogenesis in grapevine: an appraisal
L Martinelli, I Gribaudo
Grapevine molecular physiology & biotechnology, 461-493, 2009
Science, safety, and trust: the case of transgenic food
L Martinelli, M Karbarz, H Siipi
Croatian medical journal 54 (1), 91, 2013
Stable insertion and expression of the movement protein gene of Grapevine Virus A (GVA) in grape (Vitis rupestris S.)
L Martinelli, E Candioli, D Costa, A Minafra
Vitis 41 (4), 189-193, 2002
Distortion, confusion, and impasses: could a public dialogue within Knowledge Landscapes contribute to better communication and understanding of innovative knowledge?
AL Svalastog, J Allgaier, L Martinelli, S Gajovic
Croatian medical journal 55 (1), 54, 2014
Genetic transformation of tobacco and grapevine for resistance to viruses related to the rugose wood disease complex.
L Martinelli, D Costa, V Poletti, S Festi, N Buzkan, A Minafra, P Saldarelli, ...
Social egg freezing: a reproductive chance or smoke and mirrors?
L Martinelli, L Busatta, L Galvagni, C Piciocchi
Croatian medical journal 56 (4), 387, 2015
De-extinction: a novel and remarkable case of bio-objectification
L Martinelli, M Oksanen, H Siipi
Croatian medical journal 55 (4), 423, 2014
Palaeobotanical, chemical and physical investigation of the content of an ancient wine amphora from the northern Tyrrhenian sea in Italy
D Arobba, F Bulgarelli, F Camin, R Caramiello, R Larcher, L Martinelli
Journal of Archaeological Science 45, 226-233, 2014
Genetically engineered Thompson Seedless grapevine plants designed for fungal tolerance: selection and characterization of the best performing individuals in a field trial
J Rubio, C Montes, Á Castro, C Álvarez, B Olmedo, M Muńoz, E Tapia, ...
Transgenic research 24, 43-60, 2015
Elaboration of a reliable strategy based on real-time PCR to characterize genetically modified plantlets and to evaluate the efficiency of a marker gene removal in grape (Vitis …
L Dalla Costa, I Vaccari, M Mandolini, L Martinelli
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 57 (7), 2668-2677, 2009
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Articles 1–20