Shintaro Yamamoto
Shintaro Yamamoto
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Describing and Localizing Multiple Changes with Transformers
Y Qiu, S Yamamoto, K Nakashima, R Suzuki, K Iwata, H Kataoka, Y Satoh
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2021
Heel-contact gait phase detection based on specific poses with muscle deformation
T Miyake, Z Cheng, S Hosono, S Yamamoto, S Funabashi, C Zhang, ...
2019 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 977-982, 2019
Automatic valve segmentation in cardiac ultrasound time series data
Y Dukler, Y Ge, Y Qian, S Yamamoto, B Yuan, L Zhao, AL Bertozzi, ...
Medical Imaging 2018: Image Processing 10574, 493-504, 2018
3D Change Localization and Captioning From Dynamic Scans of Indoor Scenes
Y Qiu, S Yamamoto, R Yamada, R Suzuki, H Kataoka, K Iwata, Y Satoh
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer …, 2023
Gait Phase Detection Based on Muscle Deformation with Static Standing-Based Calibration
T Miyake, S Yamamoto, S Hosono, S Funabashi, Z Cheng, C Zhang, ...
Sensors 21 (4), 1081, 2021
Generating Video from Single Image and Sound.
Y Tsuchiya, T Itazuri, R Natsume, S Yamamoto, T Kato, S Morishima
CVPR Workshops, 17-20, 2019
Automatic paper summary generation from visual and textual information
S Yamamoto, Y Fukuhara, R Suzuki, S Morishima, H Kataoka
Eleventh International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2018) 11041, 214-221, 2019
Self-Supervised Learning for Visual Summary Identification in Scientific Publications
S Yamamoto, A Lauscher, SP Ponzetto, G Glavaš, S Morishima
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.11213, 2020
Visual Summary Identification From Scientific Publications via Self-Supervised Learning
S Yamamoto, A Lauscher, SP Ponzetto, G Glavaš, S Morishima
Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics 6, 719004, 2021
Cosmetic Features Extraction by a Single Image Makeup Decomposition
K Yamagishi, S Yamamoto, T Kato, S Morishima
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2018
A Case Study on User Evaluation of Scientific Publication Summarization by Japanese Students
S Yamamoto, R Suzuki, T Fukusato, H Kataoka, S Morishima
Applied Sciences 11 (14), 6287, 2021
Understanding Fake Faces
R Natsume, K Inoue, Y Fukuhara, S Yamamoto, S Morishima, H Kataoka
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) Workshops, 0-0, 2018
Facial video age progression considering expression change
S Yamamoto, PA Savkin, T Kato, S Furukawa, S Morishima
Proceedings of the Computer Graphics International Conference, 1-5, 2017
Community-Driven Comprehensive Scientific Paper Summarization: Insight from cvpaper. challenge
S Yamamoto, H Kataoka, R Suzuki, S Shinagawa, S Morishima
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.09109, 2022
Scientific Paper Analysis for Effective Research Communication
S Yamamoto
早稲田大学, 2022
山本晋太郎, 鈴木亮太, 品川政太朗, 片岡裕雄, 森島繁生
精密工学会誌 87 (12), 995-1002, 2021
Comprehending Research Article in Minutes: A User Study of Reading Computer Generated Summary for Young Researchers
S Yamamoto, R Suzuki, H Kataoka, S Morishima
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 101-112, 2021
Vision Transformer 入門: 新しいコンピュータビジョンの世界
山本, 晋太郎, 徳永, 匡臣, 箕浦, 大晃, 邱玥, 品川, 政太朗, 片岡裕雄
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