Yipeng Wu (吴义鹏)
Yipeng Wu (吴义鹏)
在 nuaa.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
A piezoelectric spring pendulum oscillator used for multi-directional and ultra-low frequency vibration energy harvesting
Y Wu, J Qiu, S Zhou, H Ji, Y Chen, S Li
Applied energy 231, 600-614, 2018
Comparison of electromagnetic and piezoelectric vibration energy harvesters: model and experiments
E Arroyo, A Badel, F Formosa, Y Wu, J Qiu
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 183, 148-156, 2012
Novel piezoelectric bistable oscillator architecture for wideband vibration energy harvesting
WQ Liu, A Badel, F Formosa, YP Wu, A Agbossou
Smart Materials and Structures 22 (3), 035013, 2013
Piezoelectric vibration energy harvesting by optimized synchronous electric charge extraction
Y Wu, A Badel, F Formosa, W Liu, AE Agbossou
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 24 (12), 1445-1458, 2013
A string-suspended and driven rotor for efficient ultra-low frequency mechanical energy harvesting
K Fan, M Cai, F Wang, L Tang, J Liang, Y Wu, H Qu, Q Tan
Energy Conversion and Management 198, 111820, 2019
Enhancement of vibration based energy harvesting using compound acoustic black holes
H Ji, Y Liang, J Qiu, L Cheng, Y Wu
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 132, 441-456, 2019
Investigation of an ultra-low frequency piezoelectric energy harvester with high frequency up-conversion factor caused by internal resonance mechanism
Y Wu, S Li, K Fan, H Ji, J Qiu
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 162, 108038, 2022
Noise reduction inside a cavity coupled to a flexible plate with embedded 2-D acoustic black holes
H Ji, X Wang, J Qiu, L Cheng, Y Wu, C Zhang
Journal of Sound and Vibration 455, 324-338, 2019
Nonlinear vibration energy harvesting device integrating mechanical stoppers used as synchronous mechanical switches
Y Wu, A Badel, F Formosa, W Liu, A Agbossou
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 25 (14), 1658-1663, 2014
Self-powered optimized synchronous electric charge extraction circuit for piezoelectric energy harvesting
Y Wu, A Badel, F Formosa, W Liu, A Agbossou
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2014
PVDF-based composition-gradient multilayered nanocomposites for flexible high-performance piezoelectric nanogenerators
L Yang, Q Zhao, K Chen, Y Ma, Y Wu, H Ji, J Qiu
ACS applied materials & interfaces 12 (9), 11045-11054, 2020
A 2-degree-of-freedom cubic nonlinear piezoelectric harvester intended for practical low-frequency vibration
Y Wu, H Ji, J Qiu, L Han
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 264, 1-10, 2017
Design and development of a rotational energy harvester for ultralow frequency vibrations and irregular human motions
K Fan, H Qu, Y Wu, T Wen, F Wang
Renewable Energy 156, 1028-1039, 2020
Wideband energy harvesting using a combination of an optimized synchronous electric charge extraction circuit and a bistable harvester
WQ Liu, A Badel, F Formosa, YP Wu, A Agbossou
Smart Materials and Structures 22 (12), 125038, 2013
Interlaminar contact resistivity and its influence on eddy currents in carbon fiber reinforced polymer laminates
X Xu, H Ji, J Qiu, J Cheng, Y Wu, T Takagi
NDT & E International 94, 79-91, 2018
Self-powered nonlinear harvesting circuit with a mechanical switch structure for a bistable generator with stoppers
W Liu, F Formosa, A Badel, Y Wu, A Agbossou
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 216, 106-115, 2014
An internal resonance based frequency up-converting energy harvester
Y Wu, H Ji, J Qiu, W Liu, J Zhao
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 29 (13), 2766-2781, 2018
A new figure of merit for wideband vibration energy harvesters
WQ Liu, A Badel, F Formosa, YP Wu
Smart Materials and Structures 24 (12), 125012, 2015
A wideband integrated piezoelectric bistable generator: Experimental performance evaluation and potential for real environmental vibrations
W Liu, A Badel, F Formosa, Y Wu, N Bencheikh, A Agbossou
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 26 (7), 872-877, 2015
Design methodology of a frequency up-converting energy harvester based on dual-cantilever and pendulum structures
Y Wu, J Qiu, F Kojima, H Ji, W Xie, S Zhou
AIP Advances 9 (4), 2019
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