Chieh-Li "Julian" Chin
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Electronic health record usability and workload changes over time for provider and nursing staff following transition to new EHR
KD Lopez, CL Chin, RFL Azevedo, V Kaushik, B Roy, W Schuh, K Banks, ...
Applied ergonomics 93, 103359, 2021
Age differences in information search: An exploration-exploitation tradeoff model
J Chin, E Anderson, CL Chin, WT Fu
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society annual meeting 59 (1 …, 2015
An EMR-based tool to support collaborative planning for medication use among adults with diabetes: design of a multi-site randomized control trial
DG Morrow, T Conner-Garcia, JF Graumlich, MS Wolf, S McKeever, ...
Contemporary clinical trials 33 (5), 1023-1032, 2012
The Social Media Macroscope: A science gateway for research using social media data
JT Yun, N Vance, C Wang, L Marini, J Troy, C Donelson, CL Chin, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems, 2020
Context: Network construction from texts [Software]
J Diesner, A Aleyasen, C Chin, S Mishra, K Soltani, L Tao
English, Illinois. Retrieved from http://context. ischool. illinois. edu, 2015
An Empirical Methodology for Detecting and Prioritizing Needs during Crisis Events
M Janina Sarol, L Dinh, R Rezapour, CL Chin, P Yang, J Diesner
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020, 4102 …, 2020
Tracking the human papillomavirus vaccine risk misinformation: an explorative study to examine how the misinformation has spread in user-generated content
J Chin, CL Chin, S Panday, A Ghazanfari, G Jagadeesan, Z Wang, ...
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics …, 2020
Usable ethics: practical considerations for responsibly conducting research with social trace data
J Diesner, CL Chin
Proceedings of Beyond IRBs: Ethical Review Processes for Big Data Research, 2015
Gratis, libre, or something else? Regulations and misassumptions related to working with publicly available text data
J Diesner, CL Chin
ETHI-CA˛ Workshop (ETHics In Corpus Collection, Annotation & Application …, 2016
Social media intelligence and learning environment: An open source framework for social media data Collection, Analysis and Curation
C Wang, L Marini, CL Chin, N Vance, C Donelson, P Meunier, JT Yun
2019 15th International Conference on eScience (eScience), 252-261, 2019
Seeing the forest for the trees: considering applicable types of regulation for the responsible collection and analysis of human centered data
J Diesner, C Chin
Human-Centered Data Science (HCDS) Workshop at 19th ACM Conference on …, 2016
Medtable™: An EMR-based tool to support collaborative planning for medication use
V Liao, CL Chin, S McKeever, K Kopren, D Morrow, K Davis, EAH Wilson, ...
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 55 (1 …, 2011
Use of health belief model-based deep learning to understand public health beliefs in breast cancer screening from social media before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
M Bak, CL Chin, J Chin
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2023, 280, 2024
Patron Privacy Protections in Public Libraries
T Wang, CL Chin, C Benner, CM Hayes, Y Wang, M Bashir
The Library Quarterly 93 (3), 294-312, 2023
Representing the true and false text information about human papillomavirus vaccines
CL Chin, WY Su, J Chin
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics …, 2020
Building a Patient-Driven Human Papillomavirus (HPV)-Vaccine Risk Lexicon
J Chin, CL Chin, R Caskey, B Liu, A Schwartz
40th Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, 2018
What Makes Us Care: Analyzing Trends and Topics of Public Interests in HPV Vaccines over a Decade.
J Chin, CL Chin, A Ghazanfari, B Liu, A Schwartz, R Caskey
AMIA, 2018
Combining online social networks with text analysis
J Diesner, CL Chin, M Smith
Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining, 2018
Patron Privacy Protections in Public Libraries: IT Professionals’ Points of View
CL Chin, T Wang, EH Wang, M Bashir
Journal of Intellectual Freedom & Privacy 8 (3), 28, 2024
What Makes (false) Messages Viral: An Explorative Analysis on the Spread of True and False Risk-Related Health Messages on Social Media
CL Chin, C Zhuang, S Roshan, J Chin
42nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, 2020
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