Dun Mao
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Cited by
Closed-Loop Control of Epilepsy by Transcranial Electrical Stimulation
A Berényi, M Belluscio, D Mao, G Buzsáki
Science 337 (6095), 735-737, 2012
Sparse orthogonal population representation of spatial context in the retrosplenial cortex
D Mao, S Kandler, BL McNaughton, V Bonin
Nature Communications 8 (1), 243, 2017
Hippocampus-dependent emergence of spatial sequence coding in retrosplenial cortex
D Mao, AR Neumann, J Sun, V Bonin, MH Mohajerani, BL McNaughton
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (31), 8015-8018, 2018
Spatial modulation of hippocampal activity in freely moving macaques
D Mao, E Avila, B Caziot, J Laurens, JD Dickman, DE Angelaki
Neuron 109 (21), 3521-3534. e6, 2021
Large-scale Recording of Neurons by Movable Silicon Probes in Behaving Rodents
V Marie, R Sébastien, B Mariano, B Antal, D Kamran, F Shigeyoshi, ...
Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2012
Vision and locomotion combine to drive path integration sequences in mouse retrosplenial cortex
D Mao, LA Molina, V Bonin, BL McNaughton
Current Biology 30 (9), 1680-1688. e4, 2020
Neural Correlates of Spatial Navigation in Primate Hippocampus
D Mao
Neuroscience Bulletin 39 (2), 315-327, 2023
Spatially segregated responses to visuo-tactile stimuli in mouse neocortex during active sensation
J Couto, S Kandler, D Mao, BL McNaughton, L Arckens, V Bonin
bioRxiv, 199364, 2019
Spatial dissociation between recognition and navigation in the primate hippocampus
X Xu, K Du, D Mao
Science Advances 10 (38), eado7392, 2024
Neural correlates of sensation and navigation in the retrosplenial cortex
D Mao
University of Lethbridge (Canada), 2017
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Articles 1–10