Christopher Taber
Christopher Taber
Professor of Economics, University of wisconsin
Geverifieerd e-mailadres voor wisc.edu
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Selection on observed and unobserved variables: Assessing the effectiveness of Catholic schools
JG Altonji, TE Elder, CR Taber
Journal of political economy 113 (1), 151-184, 2005
Explaining rising wage inequality: Explorations with a dynamic general equilibrium model of labor earnings with heterogeneous agents
JJ Heckman, L Lochner, C Taber
Review of economic dynamics 1 (1), 1-58, 1998
Estimation of educational borrowing constraints using returns to schooling
SV Cameron, C Taber
Journal of political Economy 112 (1), 132-182, 2004
Inference with “difference in differences” with a small number of policy changes
TG Conley, CR Taber
The Review of Economics and Statistics 93 (1), 113-125, 2011
An evaluation of instrumental variable strategies for estimating the effects of catholic schooling
JG Altonji, TE Elder, CR Taber
Journal of Human resources 40 (4), 791-821, 2005
General equilibrium treatment effects: A study of tuition policy
JJ Heckman, L Lochner, CR Taber
National bureau of economic research, 1998
Estimating the effect of student aid on college enrollment: Evidence from a government grant policy reform
HS Nielsen, T Sørensen, C Taber
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 2 (2), 185-215, 2010
Tax policy and human capital formation
JJ Heckman, L Lochner, CR Taber
National Bureau of Economic Research, 1998
The rising college premium in the eighties: Return to college or return to unobserved ability?
CR Taber
The Review of Economic Studies 68 (3), 665-691, 2001
Wage progression among less-skilled workers
T Gladden, C Taber
Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University, 1999
Estimation of a roy/search/compensating differential model of the labor market
C Taber, R Vejlin
Econometrica 88 (3), 1031-1069, 2020
Accounting for dropouts in evaluations of social programs
J Heckman, J Smith, C Taber
Review of Economics and Statistics 80 (1), 1-14, 1998
What do bureaucrats do? The effects of performance standards and bureaucratic preferences on acceptance into the JTPA program
JJ Heckman, JA Smith, CR Taber
National Bureau of Economic Research, 1996
Using selection on observed variables to assess bias from unobservables when evaluating swan-ganz catheterization
JG Altonji, TE Elder, CR Taber
American Economic Review 98 (2), 345-350, 2008
Estimating the cream skimming effect of school choice
JG Altonji, CI Huang, CR Taber
Journal of Political Economy 123 (2), 266-324, 2015
Identification of models of the labor market
E French, C Taber
Handbook of labor economics 4, 537-617, 2011
Life-cycle wage growth and heterogeneous human capital
C Sanders, C Taber
Annu. Rev. Econ. 4 (1), 399-425, 2012
Difference-in-differences method in comparative effectiveness research: utility with unbalanced groups
H Zhou, C Taber, S Arcona, Y Li
Applied health economics and health policy 14, 419-429, 2016
Human capital formation and general equilibrium treatment effects: a study of tax and tuition policy
JJ Heckman, L Lochner, C Taber
Fiscal Studies 20 (1), 25-40, 1999
General equilibrium cost benefit analysis of education and tax policies
JJ Heckman, L Lochner, CR Taber
National bureau of economic research, 1999
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