Elena Kirshanova
Elena Kirshanova
Lecturer of Mathematics, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal university
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The general sieve kernel and new records in lattice reduction
MR Albrecht, L Ducas, G Herold, E Kirshanova, EW Postlethwaite, ...
Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of …, 2019
Proxy re-encryption from lattices
E Kirshanova
Public-Key Cryptography–PKC 2014: 17th International Conference on Practice …, 2014
Improved Algorithms for the Approximate k-List Problem in Euclidean Norm
G Herold, E Kirshanova
IACR International Workshop on Public Key Cryptography, 16-40, 2017
On the asymptotic complexity of solving LWE
G Herold, E Kirshanova, A May
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 86 (1), 55-83, 2018
Speed-ups and time–memory trade-offs for tuple lattice sieving
G Herold, E Kirshanova, T Laarhoven
Public-Key Cryptography–PKC 2018: 21st IACR International Conference on …, 2018
Practical, round-optimal lattice-based blind signatures
S Agrawal, E Kirshanova, D Stehlé, A Yadav
Proceedings of the 2022 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications …, 2022
Improved quantum information set decoding
E Kirshanova
International Conference on Post-Quantum Cryptography, 507-527, 2018
Quantum Algorithms for the Approximate k-List Problem and Their Application to Lattice Sieving
E Kirshanova, E Mårtensson, EW Postlethwaite, SR Moulik
International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and …, 2019
Learning with errors and extrapolated dihedral cosets
Z Brakerski, E Kirshanova, D Stehlé, W Wen
IACR international workshop on public key cryptography, 702-727, 2018
Parallel implementation of BDD enumeration for LWE
E Kirshanova, A May, F Wiemer
International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security, 580-591, 2016
Quantum algorithms for attacking hardness assumptions in classical and post‐quantum cryptography
JF Biasse, X Bonnetain, E Kirshanova, A Schrottenloher, F Song
IET Information Security 17 (2), 171-209, 2023
Can round-optimal lattice-based blind signatures be practical?
S Agrawal, E Kirshanova, D Stehle, A Yadav
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch. 2021, 1565, 2021
Asymptotics and improvements of sieving for codes
L Ducas, A Esser, S Etinski, E Kirshanova
Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of …, 2024
Lower bounds on lattice sieving and information set decoding
E Kirshanova, T Laarhoven
Advances in Cryptology–CRYPTO 2021: 41st Annual International Cryptology …, 2021
On the smoothing parameter and last minimum of random orthogonal lattices
E Kirshanova, H Nguyen, D Stehlé, A Wallet
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 88 (5), 931-950, 2020
Decoding McEliece with a Hint–Secret Goppa Key Parts Reveal Everything
E Kirshanova, A May
International Conference on Security and Cryptography for Networks, 3-20, 2022
Quantum key search for ternary LWE
I van Hoof, E Kirshanova, A May
International Conference on Post-Quantum Cryptography, 117-132, 2021
How to find ternary LWE keys using locality sensitive hashing
E Kirshanova, A May
Cryptography and Coding: 18th IMA International Conference, IMACC 2021 …, 2021
New NTRU Records with Improved Lattice Bases
E Kirshanova, A May, J Nowakowski
International Conference on Post-Quantum Cryptography, 167-195, 2023
Guidance for efficient selection of secure parameters for fully homomorphic encryption
E Kirshanova, C Marcolla, S Rovira
International Conference on Cryptology in Africa, 376-400, 2024
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