Sanjam Garg
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Candidate indistinguishability obfuscation and functional encryption for all circuits
S Garg, C Gentry, S Halevi, M Raykova, A Sahai, B Waters
SIAM Journal on Computing 45 (3), 882-929, 2016
Candidate multilinear maps from ideal lattices
S Garg, C Gentry, S Halevi
Advances in Cryptology–EUROCRYPT 2013: 32nd Annual International Conference …, 2013
Witness encryption and its applications
S Garg, C Gentry, A Sahai, B Waters
Proceedings of the forty-fifth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 2013
Attribute-Based Encryption for Circuits from Multilinear Maps.
S Garg, C Gentry, S Halevi, A Sahai, B Waters
Advances in Cryptology–CRYPTO 2013 2013, 2013
Protecting obfuscation against algebraic attacks
B Barak, S Garg, YT Kalai, O Paneth, A Sahai
Advances in Cryptology–EUROCRYPT 2014: 33rd Annual International Conference …, 2014
TWORAM: Efficient Oblivious RAM in Two Rounds with Applications to Searchable Encryption
S Garg, P Mohassel, C Papamanthou
Annual International Cryptology Conference, 563-592, 2016
Two-round secure MPC from indistinguishability obfuscation
S Garg, C Gentry, S Halevi, M Raykova
Theory of Cryptography Conference, 74-94, 2014
Identity-based encryption from the Diffie-Hellman assumption
N Döttling, S Garg
Journal of the ACM (JACM) 68 (3), 1-46, 2021
Two-round multiparty secure computation from minimal assumptions
S Garg, A Srinivasan
Journal of the ACM 69 (5), 1-30, 2022
Differing-inputs obfuscation and applications
P Ananth, D Boneh, S Garg, A Sahai, M Zhandry
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2013
Succinct randomized encodings and their applications
N Bitansky, S Garg, H Lin, R Pass, S Telang
Proceedings of the forty-seventh annual ACM symposium on Theory of Computing …, 2015
On the Implausibility of Differing-Inputs Obfuscation and Extractable Witness Encryption with Auxiliary Input.
S Garg, C Gentry, S Halevi, D Wichs
Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2014, 518-535, 2013
Trapdoor hash functions and their applications
N Döttling, S Garg, Y Ishai, G Malavolta, T Mour, R Ostrovsky
Annual International Cryptology Conference, 3-32, 2019
Functional encryption without obfuscation
S Garg, C Gentry, S Halevi, M Zhandry
Theory of Cryptography: 13th International Conference, TCC 2016-A, Tel Aviv …, 2016
Building efficient fully collusion-resilient traitor tracing and revocation schemes
S Garg, A Kumarasubramanian, A Sahai, B Waters
Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Computer and communications …, 2010
Revisiting the cryptographic hardness of finding a nash equilibrium
S Garg, O Pandey, A Srinivasan
Annual International Cryptology Conference, 579-604, 2016
Leveraging linear decryption: Rate-1 fully-homomorphic encryption and time-lock puzzles
Z Brakerski, N Döttling, S Garg, G Malavolta
Theory of Cryptography Conference, 407-437, 2019
Unified architecture for large-scale attested metering
M LeMay, G Gross, CA Gunter, S Garg
2007 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS …, 2007
Laconic oblivious transfer and its applications
C Cho, N Döttling, S Garg, D Gupta, P Miao, A Polychroniadou
Annual International Cryptology Conference, 33-65, 2017
Secure Obfuscation in a Weak Multilinear Map Model
S Garg, E Miles, P Mukherjee, A Sahai, A Srinivasan, M Zhandry
Theory of Cryptography Conference 2016, 0
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