Camille Simon Chane
Camille Simon Chane
ETIS UMR 8051, CY Cergy Paris University, ENSEA, CNRS
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Cited by
Event-based tone mapping for asynchronous time-based image sensor
C Simon Chane, SH Ieng, C Posch, RB Benosman
Frontiers in neuroscience 10, 391, 2016
Integration of 3D and multispectral data for cultural heritage applications: Survey and perspectives
CS Chane, A Mansouri, FS Marzani, F Boochs
Image and Vision Computing 31 (1), 91-102, 2013
Increasing the accuracy of untaught robot positions by means of a multi-camera system
F Boochs, R Schütze, C Simon, F Marzani, H Wirth, J Meier
2010 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, 1-9, 2010
Recent trends and perspectives in cerebral organoids imaging and analysis
C Brémond Martin, C Simon Chane, C Clouchoux, A Histace
Frontiers in Neuroscience 15, 629067, 2021
CAD-CAP: une base de données française ŕ vocation internationale, pour le développement et la validation d'outils de diagnostic assisté par ordinateur en vidéocapsule …
X Dray, C Li, JC Saurin, F Cholet, G Rahmi, JP Le Mouel, C Leandri, ...
Endoscopy 50 (03), 000441, 2018
Event-based color segmentation with a high dynamic range sensor
A Marcireau, SH Ieng, C Simon-Chane, RB Benosman
Frontiers in neuroscience 12, 135, 2018
Integration of high resolution spatial and spectral data acquisition systems to provide complementary datasets for cultural heritage applications
CC Simon, U Huxhagen, A Mansouri, A Heritage, F Boochs, FS Marzani
IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging meeting 7531 (1), 75310L-1, 75310L-9, 2010
Registration of 3D and multispectral data for the study of cultural heritage surfaces
CS Chane, R Schütze, F Boochs, FS Marzani
Sensors 13 (1), 1004-1020, 2013
Evaluation of event-based corner detectors
Ö Yılmaz, C Simon-Chane, A Histace
Journal of Imaging 7 (2), 25, 2021
Deep learning and wing interferential patterns identify Anopheles species and discriminate amongst Gambiae complex species
A Cannet, C Simon-Chane, M Akhoundi, A Histace, O Romain, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 13895, 2023
Implementation of a neural network for multispectral luminescence imaging of lake pigment paints
CS Chane, M Thoury, A Tournié, JP Echard
Applied spectroscopy 69 (4), 430-441, 2015
Registration of arbitrary multi-view 3D acquisitions
CS Chane, R Schütze, F Boochs, FS Marzani
Computers in industry 64 (9), 1082-1089, 2013
Wing Interferential Patterns (WIPs) and machine learning, a step toward automatized tsetse (Glossina spp.) identification
A Cannet, C Simon-Chane, M Akhoundi, A Histace, O Romain, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 20086, 2022
Aaegan loss optimizations supporting data augmentation on cerebral organoid bright-field images
CB Martin, CS Chane, C Clouchoux, A Histace
17th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer …, 2022
Asserting the precise position of 3D and multispectral acquisition systems for multisensor registration applied to cultural heritage analysis
C Simon, R Schütze, F Boochs, FS Marzani
Advances in Multimedia Modeling: 18th International Conference, MMM 2012 …, 2012
An annotated wing interferential pattern dataset of dipteran insects of medical interest for deep learning
A Cannet, C Simon-Chane, A Histace, M Akhoundi, O Romain, ...
Scientific Data 11 (1), 4, 2024
Wing Interferential Patterns (WIPs) and machine learning for the classification of some Aedes species of medical interest
A Cannet, C Simon-Chane, A Histace, M Akhoundi, O Romain, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 17628, 2023
Mu-Net a Light Architecture for Small Dataset Segmentation of Brain Organoid Bright-Field Images
C Brémond Martin, C Simon Chane, C Clouchoux, A Histace
Biomedicines 11 (10), 2687, 2023
Brain organoid data synthesis and evaluation
C Brémond-Martin, C Simon-Chane, C Clouchoux, A Histace
Frontiers in Neuroscience 17, 1220172, 2023
Mobile Phones Hematophagous Diptera Surveillance in the field using Deep Learning and Wing Interference Patterns
M Souchaud, P Jacob, C Simon-Chane, A Histace, O Romain, ...
2018 IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration …, 2018
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Articles 1–20