Wouter Van Dooren
Cited by
Cited by
Performance management in the public sector
W Van Dooren, G Bouckaert, J Halligan
Routledge, 2015
Performance information in the public sector: How it is used
W Van Dooren, S Van de Walle
Springer, 2016
Performance management in public sector organisations
G Bouckaert, W Van Dooren
Public management and governance.-London, 2003, 127-136, 2003
Lost in diffusion? How collaborative arrangements lead to an accountability paradox
T Willems, W Van Dooren
International Review of Administrative Sciences 77 (3), 505-530, 2011
What makes organisations measure? Hypotheses on the causes and conditions for performance measurement
W Van Dooren
Financial accountability & management 21, 363-383, 2005
Performance measurement in the Flemish public sector: A supply and demand approach
W Van Dooren
KUL, Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen, 2006
Coming to terms with accountability: Combining multiple forums and functions
T Willems, W Van Dooren
Public Management Review 14 (7), 1011-1036, 2012
Discrimination and Administrative Burden in Public Service Markets: Does a Public–Private Difference Exist?
S Jilke, W Van Dooren, S Rys
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 28 (3), 423-439, 2018
How to measure public administration performance: A conceptual model with applications for budgeting, human resources management, and open government
W Van Dooren, C De Caluwe, Z Lonti
Public Performance & Management Review 35 (3), 489-508, 2012
A framework for assessing the performance of policy networks
J Voets, W Van Dooren, F De Rynck
Public management review 10 (6), 773-790, 2008
Better performance management: Some single-and double-loop strategies
W Van Dooren
Public Performance & Management Review 34 (3), 420-433, 2011
Linking turnover to organizational performance: the role of process conformance
J Wynen, W Van Dooren, J Mattijs, C Deschamps
Public Management Review 21 (5), 669-685, 2019
Staging science: Authoritativeness and fragility of models and measurement in the COVID‐19 crisis
W Van Dooren, M Noordegraaf
Public Administration Review 80 (4), 610-615, 2020
Nothing new under the sun? Change and continuity in the twentieth-century performance movements
W Van Dooren
Performance information in the public sector: How it is used, 11-23, 2008
Who you are/where you live: do neighbourhood characteristics explain co-production?
P Thijssen, W Van Dooren
International Review of Administrative Sciences 82 (1), 88-109, 2016
(De) politicization dynamics in public–private partnerships (PPPs): Lessons from a comparison between UK and Flemish PPP policy
T Willems, W Van Dooren
Public Management Review 18 (2), 199-220, 2016
How is information used to improve performance in the public sector? Exploring the dynamics of performance information
S Van de Walle, W Van Dooren
Connecting knowledge and performance in public services: From knowing to …, 2010
Conflict reconsidered: The boomerang effect of depoliticization in the policy process
EEA Wolf, W Van Dooren
Public Administration 96 (2), 286-301, 2018
How policies become contested: A spiral of imagination and evidence in a large infrastructure project
EEA Wolf, W Van Dooren
Policy Sciences 50, 449-468, 2017
Performance management in Europe: an idea whose time has come and gone?
W Van Dooren, C Hoffmann
The Palgrave handbook of public administration and management in Europe, 207-225, 2017
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Articles 1–20