Jaka Čibej
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Predicting the Level of Text Standardness in User-generated Content
N Ljubešić, D Fišer, T Erjavec, J Čibej, D Marko, S Pollak, I Škrjanec
Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Hissar …, 2015
The role of crowdsourcing in lexicography
J Čibej, D Fišer, I Kosem
Electronic lexicography in the 21st Century: linking lexical data in the …, 2015
Gigafida 2.0: The Reference Corpus of Written Standard Slovene
S Krek, ŠA Holdt, T Erjavec, J Čibej, A Repar, P Gantar, N Ljubešić, ...
Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 3340-3345, 2020
Interpreting and linguistic inclusion–friends or foes? Results from a field study
N K. Pokorn, J Čibej
The Translator 24 (2), 111-127, 2018
Collocations dictionary of modern Slovene
I Kosem, S Krek, P Gantar, Š Arhar Holdt, J Čibej, C Laskowski
Proceedings of the XVIII EURALEX International Congress: Lexicography in …, 2018
“It’s so vital to learn Slovene”: Mediation choices by asylum seekers in Slovenia
NK Pokorn, J Čibej
Language Problems and Language Planning 42 (3), 288-307, 2018
Thesaurus of modern Slovene: by the community for the community
Š Arhar Holdt, J Čibej, K Dobrovoljc, P Gantar, V Gorjanc, B Klemenc, ...
Proceedings of the XVIII EURALEX International Congress: Lexicography in …, 2018
Normalisation, tokenisation and sentence segmentation of Slovene tweets
J Čibej, D Fišer, T Erjavec
Normalisation and Analysis of Social Media Texts (NormSoMe) Workshop …, 2016
Morphological lexicon Sloleks 2.0
K Dobrovoljc, S Krek, P Holozan, T Erjavec, M Romih, Š Arhar Holdt, ...
Centre for Language Resources and Technologies, University of Ljubljana, 2019
Value of language-related questions and comments in digital media for lexicographical user research
Š Arhar Holdt, J Čibej, A Zwitter Vitez
International Journal of Lexicography, ecw017, 2016
“Do I want to learn a language spoken by two million people?”: Mediation choices by mid-term and long-term migrants
NK Pokorn, J Čibej
Language Problems and Language Planning 42 (3), 308-327, 2018
Training corpus ssj500k 2.3
S Krek, K Dobrovoljc, T Erjavec, S Može, N Ledinek, N Holz, K Zupan, ...
Centre for Language Resources and Technologies, University of Ljubljana, 2021
Repel the syntruders! A crowdsourcing cleanup of the thesaurus of modern Slovene
J Čibej, Š Arhar Holdt
Electronic Lexicography in the 21st Century. Proceedings of the eLex 2019 …, 2019
Creating expert knowledge by relying on language learners: a generic approach for mass-producing language resources by combining implicit crowdsourcing and language learning
L Nicolas, V Lyding, C Borg, C Forăscu, K Fort, K Zdravkova, I Kosem, ...
Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 268-278, 2020
CMC training corpus Janes-Tag 2.1
T Erjavec, D Fišer, J Čibej, Š Arhar Holdt, N Ljubešić, K Zupan, ...
Jožef Stefan Institute, 2019
Corpus of Written Standard Slovene Gigafida 2.0
S Krek, T Erjavec, A Repar, J Čibej, Š Arhar Holdt, P Gantar, I Kosem, ...
Centre for Language Resources and Technologies, University of Ljubljana, 2019
Thesaurus of Modern Slovene 1.0
S Krek, C Laskowski, M Robnik-Šikonja, I Kosem, Š Arhar Holdt, P Gantar, ...
Centre for Language Resources and Technologies, University of Ljubljana, 2018
Vloga jezikovnih vprašanj prevajalcev pri načrtovanju novega enojezičnega slovarja
J Čibej, V Gorjanc, D Popič
Slovar sodobne slovenščine: problemi in rešitve, 168-181, 2015
Language monitor: tracking the use of words in contemporary Slovene
I Kosem, S Krek, P Gantar, Š Arhar Holdt, J Čibej
Electronic Lexicography in the 21st Century. Proceedings of the eLex 2021 …, 2021
Proceedings of the XVIII EURALEX International Congress: Lexicography in Global Contexts
A Klosa, H Lüngen, J Čibej, V Gorjanc, I Kosem, S Krek
Ljubljana University Press, 2018
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Artikelen 1–20