Ahmad Amiri Rad
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Cited by
Three‐dimensional fatigue crack growth modelling in a helical gear using extended finite element method
A Amiri Rad, MR Forouzan, A Sadeghi Dolatabadi
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 37 (6), 581-591, 2014
An anisotropic viscoelastic-viscoplastic model for short-fiber composites
A Amiri-Rad, LV Pastukhov, LE Govaert, JAW Van Dommelen
Mechanics of Materials 137, 103141, 2019
Cohesive zone and level set method for simulation of high cycle fatigue delamination in composite materials
A Amiri-Rad, M Mashayekhi, FP van der Meer
Composite Structures 160, 61-69, 2017
Buckling of cracked functionally graded plates under tension
AA Rad, D Panahandeh-Shahraki
Thin-Walled Structures 84, 26-33, 2014
A thermodynamically consistent continuum damage model for time-dependent failure of thermoplastic polymers
H Khaleghi, A Amiri-Rad, M Mashayekhi
International Journal of Plasticity 154, 103278, 2022
Buckling of cracked functionally graded plates supported by Pasternak foundation
D Panahandeh-Shahraki, AA Rad
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 88, 221-231, 2014
Constitutive modeling of injection‐molded short‐fiber composites: Characterization and model application
A Amiri‐Rad, M Wismans, LV Pastukhov, LE Govaert, ...
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2020
A cohesive zone approach for fatigue-driven delamination analysis in composite materials
A Amiri-Rad, M Mashayekhi
Applied composite materials 24, 751-769, 2017
A two-scale damage model for high cycle fatigue delamination in laminated composites
A Amiri-Rad, M Mashayekhi, FP van der Meer, H Hadavinia
Composites Science and Technology 120, 32-38, 2015
Improved associated flow rule for anisotropic viscoplasticity in thermoplastic polymer systems
A Amiri-Rad, M Hütter, LE Govaert, JAW van Dommelen
Mechanics of Materials 163, 104087, 2021
Time‐dependent failure of off‐axis loaded unidirectional glass/iPP composites
O Erartsin, A Amiri‐Rad, M van Drongelen, LE Govaert
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 139 (23), 52293, 2022
A non-local implicit gradient-enhanced model for thermomechanical behavior of shape memory alloys
H Badnava, M Mashayekhi, M Kadkhodaei, A Amiri-Rad
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 29 (9), 1818-1834, 2018
Modeling Anisotropic and Rate-Dependent Plasticity in Short-Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics
A Amiri-Rad, LV Pastukhov, LE Govaert, JAW van Dommelen
XV International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and …, 2019
Finite element modeling of unilateral buckling of orthotropic plates using conforming elements
O Vaseghi, A Amiri-Rad, A Shahidi
19th annual conference on mechanical engineering-ISME at Birjand, Iran, 2011
Validation of an Anisotropic Elasto-Viscoplastic Model for Short Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics
LE Govaert, LV Pastukhov, AA Rad
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Articles 1–15