Ronan Querrec
Ronan Querrec
Professeur des Universités, LAB-STICC, ENIB, CERV, IHSEV
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Cited by
Mascaret: A pedagogical multi-agent system for virtual environments for training
C Buche, R Querrec, P De Loor, P Chevaillier
International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (IJDET) 2 (4), 41-61, 2004
Semantic modeling of virtual environments using mascaret
P Chevaillier, TH Trinh, M Barange, P De Loor, F Devillers, J Soler, ...
2012 5th workshop on software engineering and architectures for realtime …, 2012
SécuRéVi: virtual environments for fire-fighting training
R Querrec, C Buche, E Maffre, P Chevaillier
5th virtual reality international conference (VRIC’03), 169-175, 2003
PEGASE: A generic and adaptable intelligent system for virtual reality learning environments
C Buche, C Bossard, R Querrec, P Chevaillier
International Journal of Virtual Reality 9 (2), 73-85, 2010
Multiagents systems for virtual environment for training. application to fire-fighting
R Querrec, C Buche, E Maffre, P Chevaillier
International Journal of Computers and Applications (IJCA) 1 (1), 25-34, 2004
Gaspar: Aviation management on an aircraft carrier using virtual reality
N Marion, C Septseault, A Boudinot, R Querrec
2007 International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW'07), 15-22, 2007
Virtual storytelling for training: an application to fire fighting in industrial environment
R Querrec, P Chevaillier
International Conference on Virtual Storytelling, 201-204, 2001
Integrating knowledge from virtual reality environments to learning scenario models-a meta-modeling approach
N Marion, R Querrec, P Chevaillier
International Conference on Computer Supported Education 1, 253-258, 2009
Les systèmes multi-agents pour les environnements virtuels de formation: application à la sécurité civile
R Querrec
Brest, 2003
Evaluation of internal and external validity of a virtual environment for learning a long procedure
C Hoareau, R Querrec, C Buche, F Ganier
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 33 (10), 786-798, 2017
How to design compelling Virtual Reality or Augmented Reality experience?
S Richir, P Fuchs, D Lourdeaux, D Millet, C Buche, R Querrec
International Journal of Virtual Reality 15 (1), 35-47, 2015
An expert system manipulating knowledge to help human learners into virtual environment
C Buche, R Querrec
Expert Systems with Applications 38 (7), 8446-8457, 2011
Designing adaptable virtual reality learning environments
J Saunier, M Barange, B Blandin, R Querrec, J Taoum
Proceedings of the 2016 Virtual Reality International Conference, 1-4, 2016
VEHA, un métamodèle d'environnement virtuel informé et structuré.
P Chevaillier, R Querrec, C Septseault
Tech. Sci. Informatiques 28 (6-7), 715-740, 2009
Apports des systèmes tutoriaux intelligents et de la réalité virtuelle à l'apprentissage de compétences.
C Buche, R Querrec, P Chevaillier, G Kermarrec
In Cognito-Cahiers Romans de Sciences Cognitives 2, 51-83, 2006
Ensuring semantic spatial constraints in virtual environments using UML/OCL
TH Trinh, R Querrec, P De Loor, P Chevaillier
Proceedings of the 17th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and …, 2010
MASCARET: creating virtual learning environments from system modelling
R Querrec, P Vallejo, C Buche
The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality 2013 8649, 21-31, 2013
VirTeaSy a haptic simulator for dental education
J Cormier, D Pasco, C Syllebranque, R Querrec
The 6th international conference on virtual learning ICVL, 61-68, 2011
Les systemes multi-agents pour les environnements virtuels de formation
R Querrec
Applicationa la sécurité civile. These de doctorat, Université de Bretagne …, 2002
A methodology for the design of pedagogically adaptable learning environments.
J Saunier, M Barange, B Blandin, R Querrec
International Journal of Virtual Reality 16 (1), 15-21, 2016
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Articles 1–20