Camille Chatelle
Camille Chatelle
PhD in biomedical sciences, University of Ličge
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Bedside detection of awareness in the vegetative state: a cohort study
D Cruse, S Chennu, C Chatelle, TA Bekinschtein, D Fernández-Espejo, ...
The Lancet 378 (9809), 2088-2094, 2011
Diagnostic precision of PET imaging and functional MRI in disorders of consciousness: a clinical validation study
J Stender, O Gosseries, MA Bruno, V Charland-Verville, ...
The Lancet 384 (9942), 514-522, 2014
Spasticity after stroke: physiology, assessment and treatment
A Thibaut, C Chatelle, E Ziegler, MA Bruno, S Laureys, O Gosseries
Brain injury 27 (10), 1093-1105, 2013
European Academy of Neurology guideline on the diagnosis of coma and other disorders of consciousness
D Kondziella, A Bender, K Diserens, W van Erp, A Estraneo, R Formisano, ...
European journal of neurology 27 (5), 741-756, 2020
Early detection of consciousness in patients with acute severe traumatic brain injury
BL Edlow, C Chatelle, CA Spencer, CJ Chu, YG Bodien, KL O’Connor, ...
Brain 140 (9), 2399-2414, 2017
Brain networks predict metabolism, diagnosis and prognosis at the bedside in disorders of consciousness
S Chennu, J Annen, S Wannez, A Thibaut, C Chatelle, H Cassol, ...
Brain 140 (8), 2120-2132, 2017
The Nociception Coma Scale: a new tool to assess nociception in disorders of consciousness
C Schnakers, C Chatelle, A Vanhaudenhuyse, S Majerus, D Ledoux, ...
Pain 148 (2), 215-219, 2010
Probing command following in patients with disorders of consciousness using a brain–computer interface
D Lulé, Q Noirhomme, SC Kleih, C Chatelle, S Halder, A Demertzi, ...
Clinical Neurophysiology 124 (1), 101-106, 2013
Resting-state EEG study of comatose patients: a connectivity and frequency analysis to find differences between vegetative and minimally conscious states
R Lehembre, MA Bruno, A Vanhaudenhuyse, C Chatelle, V Cologan, ...
Functional neurology 27 (1), 41, 2012
Metabolic activity in external and internal awareness networks in severely brain-damaged patients
A Thibaut, MA Bruno, C Chatelle, O Gosseries, A Vanhaudenhuyse, ...
Journal of rehabilitation medicine 44 (6), 487-494, 2012
Quantitative rates of brain glucose metabolism distinguish minimally conscious from vegetative state patients
J Stender, R Kupers, A Rodell, A Thibaut, C Chatelle, MA Bruno, M Gejl, ...
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 35 (1), 58-65, 2015
A sensitive scale to assess nociceptive pain in patients with disorders of consciousness
C Chatelle, S Majerus, J Whyte, S Laureys, C Schnakers
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 83 (12), 1233-1237, 2012
Different beliefs about pain perception in the vegetative and minimally conscious states: a European survey of medical and paramedical professionals
A Demertzi, C Schnakers, D Ledoux, C Chatelle, MA Bruno, ...
Progress in brain research 177, 329-338, 2009
Relationship between etiology and covert cognition in the minimally conscious state
D Cruse, S Chennu, C Chatelle, D Fernández-Espejo, TA Bekinschtein, ...
Neurology 78 (11), 816-822, 2012
Controlled clinical trial of repeated prefrontal tDCS in patients with chronic minimally conscious state
A Thibaut, S Wannez, AF Donneau, C Chatelle, O Gosseries, MA Bruno, ...
Brain injury 31 (4), 466-474, 2017
Disorders of consciousness: what's in a name?
O Gosseries, MA Bruno, C Chatelle, A Vanhaudenhuyse, C Schnakers, ...
NeuroRehabilitation 28 (1), 3-14, 2011
General anesthesia: a probe to explore consciousness
V Bonhomme, C Staquet, J Montupil, A Defresne, M Kirsch, C Martial, ...
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 13, 36, 2019
Pupil responses allow communication in locked-in syndrome patients
J Stoll, C Chatelle, O Carter, C Koch, S Laureys, W Einhäuser
Current biology 23 (15), R647-R648, 2013
Electrophysiological investigations of brain function in coma, vegetative and minimally conscious patients.
R Lehembre, O Gosseries, Z Lugo, Z Jedidi, C Chatelle, B Sadzot, ...
Archives italiennes de biologie 150 (2-3), 2012
Brain–computer interfacing in disorders of consciousness
C Chatelle, S Chennu, Q Noirhomme, D Cruse, AM Owen, S Laureys
Brain injury 26 (12), 1510-1522, 2012
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Articles 1–20