Lynsey Mahmood
Lynsey Mahmood
University of Kent
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Cited by
A moment of mindfulness: Computer-mediated mindfulness practice increases state mindfulness
L Mahmood, T Hopthrow, G Randsley de Moura
PLoS One 11 (4), e0153923, 2016
Mindfulness reduces the correspondence bias
T Hopthrow, N Hooper, L Mahmood, BP Meier, U Weger
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 70 (3), 351-360, 2017
Surveillance or self-surveillance? Behavioral cues can increase the rate of drivers’ pro-environmental behavior at a long wait stop
R Meleady, D Abrams, J Van de Vyver, T Hopthrow, L Mahmood, A Player, ...
Environment and behavior 49 (10), 1156-1172, 2017
Prejudice and unlawful behaviour: Exploring levers for change
HJ Swift, L Mahmood, D Abrams
Equality and Human Rights Commission, 2016
Employability in the First Degree: The Role of Work Placements on Students' Perceptions of Graduate Employability.
L Mahmood, L Slabu, GR de Moura, T Hopthrow
Psychology Teaching Review 20 (2), 126-136, 2014
Intentions, efficacy, and norms: The impact of different self-regulatory cues on reducing engine idling at long wait stops
L Mahmood, D Abrams, R Meleady, T Hopthrow, F Lalot, H Swift, ...
Journal of Environmental Psychology 66, 101368, 2019
Review of Evidence to Support Risk Stratification in Accidental Dwelling Fires 2021
L Mahmood, R Stanford-Beale, B Change
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Articles 1–7