Michel Goemans
Michel Goemans
RSA Professor of Mathematics, MIT
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Improved approximation algorithms for maximum cut and satisfiability problems using semidefinite programming
MX Goemans, DP Williamson
Journal of the ACM (JACM) 42 (6), 1115-1145, 1995
A general approximation technique for constrained forest problems
MX Goemans, DP Williamson
SIAM Journal on Computing 24 (2), 296-317, 1995
Approximating the value of two power proof systems, with applications to max 2sat and max dicut
U Feige, M Goemans
Proceedings third Israel symposium on the theory of computing and systems …, 1995
The primal-dual method for approximation algorithms and its application to network design problems
MX Goemans, DP Williamson
Approximation algorithms for NP-hard problems, 144-191, 1997
Approximating the stochastic knapsack problem: The benefit of adaptivity
BC Dean, MX Goemans, J Vondrák
Mathematics of Operations Research 33 (4), 945-964, 2008
New 34-approximation algorithms for the maximum satisfiability problem
MX Goemans, DP Williamson
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 7 (4), 656-666, 1994
Semidefinite programming in combinatorial optimization
MX Goemans
Mathematical Programming 79 (1), 143-161, 1997
A note on the prize collecting traveling salesman problem
D Bienstock, MX Goemans, D Simchi-Levi, D Williamson
Mathematical programming 59 (1), 413-420, 1993
Tight approximation algorithms for maximum general assignment problems
L Fleischer, MX Goemans, VS Mirrokni, M Sviridenko
SODA 6, 611-620, 2006
Improved approximation algorithms for network design problems
MX Goemans, AV Goldberg, S Plotkin, DB Shmoys, E Tardos, ...
Cornell University Operations Research and Industrial Engineering, 1995
Cooperative facility location games
MX Goemans, M Skutella
Journal of Algorithms 50 (2), 194-214, 2004
An O(log n/log log n)-Approximation Algorithm for the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem
A Asadpour, MX Goemans, A Mądry, SO Gharan, A Saberi
Operations Research 65 (4), 1043-1061, 2017
An improved approximation ratio for the minimum latency problem
M Goemans, J Kleinberg
Mathematical Programming 82 (1), 111-124, 1998
Sink equilibria and convergence
M Goemans, V Mirrokni, A Vetta
46th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'05), 142-151, 2005
A primal-dual approximation algorithm for generalized Steiner network problems
DP Williamson, MX Goemans, M Mihail, VV Vazirani
Proceedings of the twenty-fifth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 1993
Survivable networks, linear programming relaxations and the parsimonious property
MX Goemans, DJ Bertsimas
Mathematical programming 60 (1), 145-166, 1993
A catalog of Steiner tree formulations
MX Goemans, YS Myung
Networks 23 (1), 19-28, 1993
On the single-source unsplittable flow problem
Y Dinitz, N Garg, MX Goemans
Combinatorica 19 (1), 17-41, 1999
Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization
M Jünger, V Kaibel
Springer-Verlag, 2005
Minimum bounded degree spanning trees
MX Goemans
2006 47th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'06 …, 2006
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