A practical implementation of the timing attack JF Dhem, F Koeune, PA Leroux, P Mestré, JJ Quisquater, JL Willems International Conference on Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications …, 1998 | 506 | 1998 |
The swiss-knife RFID distance bounding protocol CH Kim, G Avoine, F Koeune, FX Standaert, O Pereira Information Security and Cryptology–ICISC 2008: 11th International …, 2009 | 245 | 2009 |
Robust object watermarking: Application to code JP Stern, G Hachez, F Koeune, JJ Quisquater Information Hiding: Third International Workshop, IH’99, Dresden, Germany …, 2000 | 202 | 2000 |
Compact implementation and performance evaluation of block ciphers in ATtiny devices T Eisenbarth, Z Gong, T Güneysu, S Heyse, S Indesteege, S Kerckhof, ... Progress in Cryptology-AFRICACRYPT 2012: 5th International Conference on …, 2012 | 155 | 2012 |
A tutorial on physical security and side-channel attacks F Koeune, FX Standaert International School on Foundations of Security Analysis and Design, 78-108, 2004 | 140 | 2004 |
How to compare profiled side-channel attacks? FX Standaert, F Koeune, W Schindler Applied Cryptography and Network Security: 7th International Conference …, 2009 | 111 | 2009 |
A timing attack against Rijndael F Koeune, JJ Quisquater Université catholique de Louvain, 1999 | 93 | 1999 |
Biometrics, access control, smart cards: a not so simple combination G Hachez, JJ Quisquater, F Koeune Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications: IFIP TC8/WG8. 8 Fourth …, 2000 | 83 | 2000 |
Compact implementation and performance evaluation of hash functions in attiny devices J Balasch, B Ege, T Eisenbarth, B Gérard, Z Gong, T Güneysu, S Heyse, ... Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications: 11th International Conference …, 2013 | 72 | 2013 |
A systematic appraisal of side channel evaluation strategies M Azouaoui, D Bellizia, I Buhan, N Debande, S Duval, C Giraud, ... Security Standardisation Research: 6th International Conference, SSR 2020 …, 2020 | 59 | 2020 |
Towards fresh and hybrid re-keying schemes with beyond birthday security C Dobraunig, F Koeune, S Mangard, F Mendel, FX Standaert Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications: 14th International Conference …, 2016 | 56 | 2016 |
Linear feedback shift registers A Klein, A Klein Stream Ciphers, 17-58, 2013 | 46 | 2013 |
Improving divide and conquer attacks against cryptosystems by better error detection/correction strategies W Schindler, F Koeune, JJ Quisquater Cryptography and Coding: 8th IMA International Conference Cirencester, UK …, 2001 | 44 | 2001 |
Ciphertext integrity with misuse and leakage: definition and efficient constructions with symmetric primitives F Berti, F Koeune, O Pereira, T Peters, FX Standaert Proceedings of the 2018 on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications …, 2018 | 38 | 2018 |
cAESar results: Implementation of four AES candidates on two smart cards G Hachez, F Koeune, JJ Quisquater Second Advanced Encryption Standard Candidate Conference, 95-108, 1999 | 38 | 1999 |
A new type of timing attack: Application to GPS J Cathalo, F Koeune, JJ Quisquater Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems-CHES 2003: 5th International …, 2003 | 36 | 2003 |
Timing attack: what can be achieved by a powerful adversary? G Hachez, F Koeune, JJ Quisquater SYMPOSIUM ON INFORMATION THEORY IN THE BENELUX, 63-70, 1999 | 36 | 1999 |
Comments by the NESSIE Project on the AES Finalists B Preneel, A Bosselaers, V Rijmen, B Van Rompay, L Granboulan, ... AES Round 2, 2000 | 29 | 2000 |
SWISH: secure WiFi sharing D Leroy, G Detal, J Cathalo, M Manulis, F Koeune, O Bonaventure Computer Networks 55 (7), 1614-1630, 2011 | 27 | 2011 |
Short private exponent attacks on fast variants of RSA M Ciet, F Koeune, F Laguillaumie, JJ Quisquater UCL Crypto Group Technical Report Series CG-2002/4, University Catholique de …, 2002 | 26 | 2002 |