Rena Veropoulidou
Rena Veropoulidou
Archaeologist, Hellenic Ministry of Culture
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Tracing the source of Late Neolithic Spondylus shell ornaments by stable isotope geochemistry and cathodoluminescence microscopy
B Bajnóczi, G Schöll-Barna, N Kalicz, Z Siklósi, GH Hourmouziadis, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2), 874-882, 2013
Excavations at Sissi III: Preliminary Report on the 2011 Campaign
F Gaignerot-Driesse, M Anastasiadou, S Déderix, C Langohr, ...
Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2012
The Neolithic site of Makriyalos, northern Greece: a reconstruction of the social and economic structure of the settlement through a comparative study of the finds
M Pappa, P Halstead, K Kotsakis, A Bogaard, R Fraser, V Isaakidou, ...
Diet, Economy and Society in the Ancient Greek World: Proceedings of the …, 2013
Small-scale purple-dye production in the Bronze Age of Northern Greece: the Evidence from the Thessaloniki Toumba
R Veropoulidou, S Andreou, K Kotsakis
The Neolithic settlement at Makriyalos, Northern Greece: evidence from the Spondylus gaederopus artifacts
M Pappa, R Veropoulidou
Spondylus in prehistory new data and approaches: New data and approaches …, 2011
Knossos excavations, 1957-1961: early Minoan
S Hood, G Cadogan, RDG Evely
(No Title), 2011
New insights on commemoration of the dead through mortuary and architectural use of pigments at Neolithic Çatalhöyük, Turkey
EMJ Schotsmans, G Busacca, SC Lin, M Vasić, AM Lingle, ...
Scientific reports 12 (1), 4055, 2022
The seasonality of wetland and riparian taskscapes at Çatalhöyük
J Wolfhagen, R Veropoulidou, G Ayala, D Filipović, C Kabukcu, ...
Near Eastern Archaeology 83 (2), 98-109, 2020
Mediterranean polyculture revisited: Olive, grape and subsistence strategies at Palaikastro, East Crete, between the Late Neolithic and Late Bronze Age
A Livarda, HA Orengo, N Canellas-Bolta, S Riera-Mora, ...
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 61, 101271, 2021
Pigment Use at Neolithic Çatalhöyük
E Schotsmans, G Busacca, L Bennison-Chapman, A Lingle, M Milella, ...
Near Eastern Archaeology 83 (3), 156-167, 2020
Butrint 6: Excavations on the Vrina Plain
S Greenslade
Butrint 6, 1-280, 2019
Όστρεα από τους οικισμούς του Θερμαϊκού Κόλπου: ανασυνθέτοντας την κατανάλωση των μαλακίων στη Νεολιθική και την Εποχή Χαλκού
R Veropoulidou
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, 2011
Spondylus gaederopus tools and meals in Central Greece from the 3rd to the early 1st millennium BCE
R Veropoulidou
Spondylus in Prehistory: New Data and Approaches - Contributions to the …, 2011
Molluscan exploitation in the Neolithic and Bronze Age communities at the former Thermaic Gulf, North Aegean
R Veropoulidou
AEGAEUM 37, 415-422, 2014
The colour of things. Pigments and colours in Neolithic Çatalhöyük
EMJ Schotsmans, G Gesualdo Busacca, LE Lucy Bennison-Chapman, ...
Çatalhöyük Research Project Series, 263-288, 2021
The Tyrian Purple, a “royal” dye
R Veropoulidou
Greeks and Phoenicians at the Mediterranean Crossroads. Exhibition Catalogue …, 2012
Late Pleistocene-Holocene shoreline reconstruction and human exploitation of molluscan resources in northern Pieria, Macedonia, Greece
A Krahtopoulou, R Veropoulidou
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 15, 423-436, 2017
The shell artefact assemblage at Neolithic Çatalhöyük
R Veropoulidou
In Hodder, I. (ed.) The matter of Çatalhöyük: Reports from the 2009-2017 …, 2021
The Archaeomalacology of the 2009–2017 Excavations at Neolithic Çatalhöyük
R Veropoulidou
Humans and Environments of Çatalhöyük: Reports from the 2009–2017 Seasons, 2021
In press. The Seasonality of Using Wetland and Riparian Environments at Çatalhöyük
J Wolfhagen, R Veropoulidou, G Ayala, D Filipović, C Lancelotti, ...
Communities at Work: The Making of Çatalhöyük, 2021
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