Antoine Dubois
Antoine Dubois
PhD, Université de Liège
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Cited by
Studying migrant assimilation through Facebook interests
A Dubois, E Zagheni, K Garimella, I Weber
Social Informatics: 10th International Conference, SocInfo 2018, St …, 2018
Assessing the impact of offshore wind siting strategies on the design of the European power system
D Radu, M Berger, A Dubois, R Fonteneau, H Pandžić, Y Dvorkin, ...
Applied energy 305, 117700, 2022
The energy return on investment of whole-energy systems: Application to belgium
J Dumas, A Dubois, P Thiran, P Jacques, F Contino, B Cornélusse, ...
Biophysical Economics and Sustainability 7 (4), 12, 2022
An app-based algorithmic approach for harvesting local and renewable energy using electric vehicles
A Dubois, A Wehenkel, R Fonteneau, F Olivier, D Ernst
9th international conference on agents and artificial intelligence (ICAART 2017), 2017
Computing necessary conditions for near-optimality in capacity expansion planning problems
A Dubois, D Ernst
Electric Power Systems Research 211, 108343, 2022
Multi-objective near-optimal necessary conditions for multi-sectoral planning
A Dubois, J Dumas, P Thiran, G Limpens, D Ernst
Applied Energy 350, 2023
Siting renewable power generation assets with combinatorial optimisation
M Berger, D Radu, A Dubois, H Pandžić, Y Dvorkin, Q Louveaux, D Ernst
Optimization Letters, 1-31, 2022
Model Reduction in Capacity Expansion Planning Problems via Renewable Generation Site Selection
D Radu, A Dubois, M Berger, D Ernst
2021 IEEE Madrid PowerTech, 1-6, 2021
Integrating facial detection and recognition algorithms into real-life applications
F Van Lishout, A Dubois, ML Wang, T Ewbank, L Wehenkel
Workshop on the Architecture of Smart Cameras, 2018
Remote Renewable Energy Hubs: A taxonomy
V Dachet, A Dubois, B Miftari, G Derval, R Fonteneau, D Ernst
Impacts of spatial and temporal resolutions on the near-optimal spaces of energy system optimisation models
A Dubois, D Ernst
2023 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT EUROPE), 1-5, 2023
Facial recognition using deep neural networks.
A Dubois
Université de Liège, Liège, Belgique, 2018
Ammonia, Methane, Hydrogen and Methanol Produced in Remote Renewable Energy Hubs: a Comparative Quantitative Analysis
A Larbanois, V Dachet, A Dubois, R Fonteneau, D Ernst
Exploring the near-optimal spaces of energy system optimisation models using necessary conditions for better decision making
A Dubois
ULiège-Université de Liège [Sciences Appliquées], Liège, Belgium, 2023
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Articles 1–14