Lars Bo Jeppesen
Lars Bo Jeppesen
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Marginality and problem-solving effectiveness in broadcast search
LB Jeppesen, KR Lakhani
Organization science 21 (5), 1016-1033, 2010
Why do users contribute to firm-hosted user communities? The case of computer-controlled music instruments
LB Jeppesen, L Frederiksen
Organization science 17 (1), 45-63, 2006
Consumers as co-developers: Learning and innovation outside the firm
LB Jeppesen, MJ Molin
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 15 (3), 363-383, 2003
Unpaid crowd complementors: The platform network effect mirage
KJ Boudreau, LB Jeppesen
Strategic Management Journal 36 (12), 1761-1777, 2015
User toolkits for innovation: Consumers support each other
LB Jeppesen
Journal of product innovation management 22 (4), 347-362, 2005
The role of lead users in knowledge sharing
LB Jeppesen, K Laursen
Research policy 38 (10), 1582-1589, 2009
Protecting their digital assets: The use of formal & informal appropriability strategies by App developers
M Miric, KJ Boudreau, LB Jeppesen
Research Policy 48 (8), 103738, 2019
Crowdfunding as donations to entrepreneurial firms
KJ Boudreau, LB Jeppesen, T Reichstein, F Rullani
Research Policy 50 (7), 104264, 2021
Profiting from innovative user communities: How firms organize the production of user modifications in the computer games industry
LB Jeppesen
IVS/CBS Working Papers, 2004
How Organizations Manage Crowds: Define, Broadcast, Attract and Select
L Dahlander, LB Jeppesen, H Piezunka
Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 2018
Competing on freemium: Digital competition with network effects
KJ Boudreau, LB Jeppesen, M Miric
Strategic Management Journal 43 (7), 1374-1401, 2022
Making consumer knowledge available and useful the case of the computer games industry
LB Jeppesen
DRUID Working Papers, 2001
Does piracy lead to product abandonment or stimulate new product development?: Evidence from mobile platform‐based developer firms
M Miric, LB Jeppesen
Strategic Management Journal 41 (12), 2155-2184, 2020
Profiting from digital innovation: Patents, copyright and performance
KJ Boudreau, LB Jeppesen, M Miric
Research Policy 51 (5), 104477, 2022
Social movements and free innovation
LB Jeppesen
Research Policy 50 (6), 104238, 2021
How context and attention shape behaviors in online communities: a modified garbage can model
NJ Foss, LB Jeppesen, F Rullani
Industrial and Corporate Change 30 (1), 1-18, 2021
How does competition influence innovative effort within a platform-based ecosystem? Contrasting paid and unpaid contributors
M Miric, LB Jeppesen
Research Policy 52 (7), 104790, 2023
Organizing Consumer Innovation: A product development strategy that is based on online communities and allows some firms to benefit from a distributed process of innovation by …
LB Jeppesen
Samfundslitteratur, 2004
The paradox of platform-based entrepreneurship: Competing while sharing resources
K Boudreau, LB Jeppesen, M Miric
Available at SSRN 3897435, 2021
Digital “Mash-ups,” Patents, and Copyright
K Boudreau, LB Jeppesen, M Miric
Academy of Management Proceedings 2018 (1), 16577, 2018
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