Xavier Oriol
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Linking Data and BPMN Processes to Achieve Executable Models
G De Giacomo, X Oriol, M Estañol, E Teniente
(CAiSE) International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering …, 2017
Incremental checking of OCL constraints with aggregates through SQL
X Oriol, E Teniente
34th International Conference, ER 2015, Stockholm, Sweden, October 19–22 …, 2015
Computing Repairs for Constraint Violations in UML/OCL Conceptual Schemas
X Oriol, E Teniente, A Tort
Data & Knowledge Engineering, 2015
Practical Update Management in Ontology-Based Data Access
G De Giacomo, D Lembo, X Oriol, DF Savo, E Teniente
International Semantic Web Conference, 225-242, 2017
Validation of Service Blueprint Models by Means of Formal Simulation Techniques
M Estañol, E Marcos, X Oriol, FJ Pérez, E Teniente, JM Vara
International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing, 80-95, 2017
Logic Foundations of the OCL Modelling Language
E Franconi, A Mosca, X Oriol, G Rull, E Teniente
(JELIA) Logics in Artificial Intelligence, 657-664, 2014
OCLfo: first-order expressive OCL constraints for efficient integrity checking
E Franconi, A Mosca, X Oriol, G Rull, E Teniente
Software & Systems Modeling, 1-24, 2018
Updating DL-Lite Ontologies through First-Order Queries
G De Giacomo, X Oriol, R Rosati, DF Savo
(ISWC) International Semantic Web Conference, 2016
OCLuniv: Expressive UML/OCL Conceptual Schemas for Finite Reasoning
X Oriol, E Teniente
International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, 354-369, 2017
Simplification of UML/OCL Schemas for Efficient Reasoning
X Oriol, E Teniente
Journal of Systems and Software, 2017
TINTIN: a Tool for INcremental INTegrity checking of Assertions in SQL Server
X Oriol, E Teniente, G Rull
Advances in Database Technology-EDBT, 2016
Fixing up non-executable operations in UML/OCL conceptual schemas
X Oriol, E Teniente, A Tort
International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, 232-245, 2014
Embedding reactive behaviour into artifact-centric business process models
X Oriol, G De Giacomo, M Estañol, E Teniente
Future Generation Computer Systems, 2020
Instance-Level Update in DL-Lite Ontologies through First-Order Rewriting
G De Giacomo, X Oriol, R Rosati, DF Savo
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 70, 1335-1371, 2021
Automatic Business Process Model Extension to Repair Constraint Violations
X Oriol, G De Giacomo, M Estañol, E Teniente
International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing, 102-118, 2019
Generating valid test data through data cloning
X Oriol, E Teniente, M Maynou, S Nadal
Future Generation Computer Systems, 2023
Adapting Integrity Checking Techniques for Concurrent Operation Executions
X Oriol, E Teniente
International Conference on System Analysis and Modeling, 235-248, 2019
Incremental Checking and Maintenance of UML/OCL Integrity Constraints
X Oriol
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2017
Benchmarking del rendimiento de proyectos software de c´ odigo abierto mediante una herramienta colaborativa
JM Sánchez Ruiz, MÁ Olivero González, FJ Domínguez Mayo, X Oriol, ...
Actas de las XXVII Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos …, 2023
An Ontology-Based Framework for Describing Discoverable Data Services
X Oriol, E Teniente
International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 220-235, 2018
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