B Alex Brown
B Alex Brown
Professor of Physics, Michigan State University, NSCL, FRIB
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Status of the nuclear shell model
BA Brown, BH Wildenthal
Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Sciences 38 (1), 29-66, 1988
Mass systematics for A=29–44 nuclei: The deformed A∼32 region
EK Warburton, JA Becker, BA Brown
Physical Review C 41 (3), 1147, 1990
Neutron radii in nuclei and the neutron equation of state
BA Brown
Physical review letters 85 (25), 5296, 2000
Magic numbers in exotic nuclei and spin-isospin properties of the NN interaction
T Otsuka, R Fujimoto, Y Utsuno, BA Brown, M Honma, T Mizusaki
Physical Review Letters 87 (8), 082502, 2001
New “USD” Hamiltonians for the shell
BA Brown, WA Richter
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 74 (3), 034315, 2006
Effective interactions for the 0p1s0d nuclear shell-model space
EK Warburton, BA Brown
Physical Review C 46 (3), 923, 1992
rp-Process nucleosynthesis at extreme temperature and density conditions
H Schatz, A Aprahamian, J Görres, M Wiescher, T Rauscher, JF Rembges, ...
Physics reports 294 (4), 167-263, 1998
The shell-model code NuShellX@ MSU
BA Brown, WDM Rae
Nuclear Data Sheets 120, 115-118, 2014
New effective interaction for -shell nuclei and its implications for the stability of the closed core
M Honma, T Otsuka, BA Brown, T Mizusaki
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 69 (3), 034335, 2004
New Skyrme interaction for normal and exotic nuclei
BA Brown
Physical Review C 58 (1), 220, 1998
The computer code OXBASH
BA Brown, A Etchegoyen, WDM Rae, NS Godwin
MSU-NSCL Report 524, 1988
The nuclear shell model towards the drip lines
BA Brown
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 47 (2), 517-599, 2001
The nuclear shell model as a testing ground for many-body quantum chaos
V Zelevinsky, BA Brown, N Frazier, M Horoi
Physics reports 276 (2-3), 85-176, 1996
Shell-model description of neutron-rich pf-shell nuclei with a new effective interaction GXPF 1
M Honma, T Otsuka, BA Brown, T Mizusaki
The European Physical Journal A-Hadrons and Nuclei 25, 499-502, 2005
Direct Evidence for the Breakdown of the Shell Closure in
A Navin, DW Anthony, T Aumann, T Baumann, D Bazin, Y Blumenfeld, ...
Physical review letters 85 (2), 266, 2000
Effective interaction for -shell nuclei
M Honma, T Otsuka, BA Brown, T Mizusaki
Physical Review C 65 (6), 061301, 2002
New effective interactions for the 0f1p shell
WA Richter, MG Van Der Merwe, RE Julies, BA Brown
Nuclear Physics A 523 (2), 325-353, 1991
Models for type I X-ray bursts with improved nuclear physics
SE Woosley, A Heger, A Cumming, RD Hoffman, J Pruet, T Rauscher, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 151 (1), 75, 2004
New region of deformation: The neutron-rich sulfur isotopes
H Scheit, T Glasmacher, BA Brown, JA Brown, PD Cottle, PG Hansen, ...
Physical review letters 77 (19), 3967, 1996
Experimental and theoretical Gamow-Teller beta-decay observables for the sd-shell nuclei
BA Brown, BH Wildenthal
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 33 (3), 347-404, 1985
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