Roberto Franzosi
Roberto Franzosi
Associate Professor MATH-04/A - 01/MATH-04 - Mathematical-Physics, DSFTA, University of Siena
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Self-localization of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices via boundary dissipation
R Livi, R Franzosi, GL Oppo
Physical review letters 97 (6), 060401, 2006
Theorem on the origin of phase transitions
R Franzosi, M Pettini
Physical review letters 92 (6), 060601, 2004
Chaotic behavior, collective modes, and self-trapping in the dynamics of three coupled Bose-Einstein condensates
R Franzosi, V Penna
Physical Review E 67 (4), 046227, 2003
Persistent homology analysis of phase transitions
I Donato, M Gori, M Pettini, G Petri, S De Nigris, R Franzosi, F Vaccarino
Physical Review E 93 (5), 052138, 2016
Topology and phase transitions: Paradigmatic evidence
R Franzosi, M Pettini, L Spinelli
Physical Review Letters 84 (13), 2774, 2000
Self-trapping mechanisms in the dynamics of three coupled Bose-Einstein condensates
R Franzosi, V Penna
Physical Review A 65 (1), 013601, 2001
Quantum dynamics of coupled bosonic wells within the bose–hubbard picture
R Franzosi, V Penna, R Zecchina
International Journal of Modern Physics B 14 (09), 943-961, 2000
On the dispute between Boltzmann and Gibbs entropy
P Buonsante, R Franzosi, A Smerzi
Annals of Physics 375, 414-434, 2016
Discrete breathers in Bose–Einstein condensates
R Franzosi, R Livi, GL Oppo, A Politi
Nonlinearity 24 (12), R89, 2011
Dynamical instability in a trimeric chain of interacting Bose-Einstein condensates
P Buonsante, R Franzosi, V Penna
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 90 (5), 050404, 2003
Topology and phase transitions II. Theorem on a necessary relation
R Franzosi, M Pettini
Nuclear Physics B 782 (3), 219-240, 2007
Topology and phase transitions I. Preliminary results
R Franzosi, M Pettini, L Spinelli
Nuclear Physics B 782 (3), 189-218, 2007
Weak and strong chaos in Fermi–Pasta–Ulam models and beyond
M Pettini, L Casetti, M Cerruti-Sola, R Franzosi, EGD Cohen
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 15 (1), 2005
Discrete breathers and negative-temperature states
S Iubini, R Franzosi, R Livi, GL Oppo, A Politi
New Journal of Physics 15 (2), 023032, 2013
Topological aspects of geometrical signatures of phase transitions
R Franzosi, L Casetti, L Spinelli, M Pettini
Physical Review E 60 (5), R5009, 1999
Spectral properties of coupled Bose-Einstein condensates
R Franzosi, V Penna
Physical Review A 63 (4), 043609, 2001
Phase transitions at high energy vindicate negative microcanonical temperature
P Buonsante, R Franzosi, A Smerzi
Physical Review E 95 (5), 052135, 2017
Microcanonical entropy and dynamical measure of temperature for systems with two first integrals
R Franzosi
Journal of Statistical Physics 143, 824-830, 2011
Entanglement protection of classically driven qubits in a lossy cavity
A Nourmandipour, A Vafafard, A Mortezapour, R Franzosi
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 16259, 2021
Probing the dynamics of Bose–Einstein condensates via boundary dissipation
R Franzosi, R Livi, GL Oppo
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 40 (6), 1195, 2007
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Articles 1–20