David Marshall
David Marshall
Associate Professor of Comparative Politics, University of Reading
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Interest group success in the European Union: When (and why) does business lose?
A Dür, P Bernhagen, D Marshall
Comparative Political Studies 48 (8), 951-983, 2015
Who to lobby and when: Institutional determinants of interest group strategies in European Parliament committees
D Marshall
European Union Politics 11 (4), 553-575, 2010
Let’s talk! On the practice and method of interviewing policy experts
J Beyers, C Braun, D Marshall, I De Bruycker
Interest Groups & Advocacy 3 (2), 174-187, 2014
Information or context: what accounts for positional proximity between the European Commission and lobbyists?
P Bernhagen, A Dür, D Marshall
Legislative Lobbying in Context, 136-154, 2017
Explaining Interest Group Interactions with Party Group Members in the E uropean Parliament: Dominant Party Groups and Coalition Formation
D Marshall
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 53 (2), 311-329, 2015
Measuring lobbying success spatially
P Bernhagen, A Dür, D Marshall
Interest Groups & Advocacy 3, 202-218, 2014
Policy-centred sampling in interest group research
J Beyers, A Dür, D Marshall, A Wonka
Interest Groups & Advocacy 3 (2), 160-173, 2014
The political influence of business in the European Union
A Dür, D Marshall, P Bernhagen
University of Michigan Press, 2019
Do rapporteurs receive independent expert policy advice? Indirect lobbying via the European Parliament's committee secretariat
D Marshall
Journal of European Public Policy 19 (9), 1377-1395, 2012
Conceptualizing and measuring party-interest group relationships
EH Allern, S Otjes, T Poguntke, VW Hansen, S Saurugger, D Marshall
Party Politics 27 (6), 1254-1267, 2021
Government–business relations in multilevel systems: The effect of conflict perception on venue choice
D Marshall, P Bernhagen
National Interest Organizations in the EU Multilevel System, 43-65, 2020
Competition and interaction: Party ties to interest groups in a multidimensionalpolicy space
AR EH Allern, VW Hansen, D Marshall
European Journal of Political Research 60 (2), 275-294, 2021
Policy positions, power and interest group-party lobby routines
E Haugsgjerd Allern, H Klüver, D Marshall, S Otjes, A Rasmussen, ...
Journal of European Public Policy 29 (7), 1029-1048, 2022
Shop till you drop? Venue choices of business and non-business interests in the European Union
D Pakull, D Marshall, P Bernhagen
Interest Groups & Advocacy 9 (4), 520-540, 2020
Introducing the party-interest group relationships in contemporary democracies datasets
EH Allern, VW Hansen, L Rĝdland, M Rĝed, H Klüver, C Le Gall, ...
Party Politics 29 (2), 394-403, 2023
Party-interest group ties: The resource exchange model revisited
Elin Haugsgjerd Allern, Vibeke Wĝien Hansen, David Marshall, Simon Otjes
European Journal of Political Research 63 (1), 89-110, 2024
Organised interest representation and the European Parliament
DJ Marshall
London School of Economics and Political Science, 2012
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