Ingrid Bachmann
Ingrid Bachmann
School of Communications, Pontificia Universidad Católica de
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Expressive versus consumptive blog use: Implications for interpersonal discussion and political participation
HG de Zuniga, I Bachmann, SH Hsu, J Brundidge
International Journal of Communication 7, 1538-1559, 2013
The Personal Is the Political? What Do WhatsApp Users Share and How It Matters for News Knowledge, Polarization and Participation in Chile
S Valenzuela, I Bachmann, M Bargsted
Digital Journalism 9 (2), 155-172, 2021
News platform preference: Advancing the effects of age and media consumption on political participation
I Bachmann, K Kaufhold, SC Lewis, H Gil de Zúńiga
International Journal of Internet Science 5 (1), 34-47, 2010
El consumo de noticias de los adolescentes chilenos: Intereses, motivaciones y percepciones sobre la agenda informativa / News Consumption among Chilean Adolescents: Interests …
R Condeza, I Bachmann, C Mujica
Comunicar 43 (2), 55-64, 2014
Interactividad y multimedialidad en periódicos latinoamericanos: avances en una transición incompleta.
I Bachmann, S Harlow
Cuadernos de Información 30, 41-52, 2012
The whole online world is watching: Profiling social networking sites and activists in China, Latin America and the United States
D Harp, I Bachmann, L Guo
International Journal of Communication 6, 298-321, 2012
Personality and Social Media Use
T Correa, I Bachmann, AW Hinsley, HG de Zúńiga
Organizations and social networking: Utilizing social media to engage …, 2013
Socialized for news media use how family communication, information-processing needs, and gratifications determine adolescents’ exposure to news
S Valenzuela, I Bachmann, M Aguilar
Communication Research 46 (8), 1095–1118, 2019
News Platform Preference as a predictor of political and civic participation
I Bachmann, H Gil de Zúńiga
Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media …, 2013
Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi Hearing Coverage: Political competence, authenticity, and the persistence of the double bind
D Harp, J Loke, I Bachmann
Women's Studies in Communication 39 (2), 193-210, 2016
Where are the women? The presence of female columnists in US opinion pages
D Harp, I Bachmann, J Loke
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 91 (2), 289-307, 2014
Co-opting feminism: Media discourses on political women and the definition of a (new) feminist identity
J Loke, I Bachmann, D Harp
Media, Culture & Society 39 (1), 122-132, 2017
Opening the gates: Interactive and multimedia elements of newspaper websites in Latin America
I Bachmann, S Harlow
Journalism Practice 6 (2), 217-232, 2012
Voices of dissent in the Iraq War: Moving from deviance to legitimacy?
D Harp, J Loke, I Bachmann
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 87 (3-4), 467-483, 2010
Who is the lady in the window? A comparison of international and national press coverage of first female government heads
TH Cantrell, I Bachmann
Journalism Studies 9 (3), 429-446, 2008
First Impressions of Sarah Palin: Pit bulls, politics, gender performance, and a discursive media (re)contextualization
D Harp, J Loke, I Bachmann
Communication, Culture & Critique 3 (3), 291-309, 2010
Framing ideology: How Time magazine represents nationalism and identities through visual reporting
TC Rosas-Moreno, D Harp, I Bachmann
Communication and Society/Comunicación y Sociedad 26 (3), 1-20, 2013
Wave of hope: African American youth use media and engage more civically, politically than whites
D Harp, I Bachmann, TC Rosas-Moreno, J Loke
The Howard Journal of Communications 21 (3), 224-246, 2010
Through a feminist kaleidoscope: Critiquing media, power, and gender inequalities
I Bachmann, D Harp, J Loke
Feminist Approaches to Media Theory and Research, 1-15, 2018
Spaces For Feminist (Re) Articulations: The blogosphere and the sexual attack on journalist Lara Logan
D Harp, J Loke, I Bachmann
Feminist Media Studies 14 (1), 5-21, 2014
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Articles 1–20